[Architecture/WIP] Sayer Hütte

We visited this place during our last family reunion and I was fascinated by it's industrial charm. And I immediately knew that I wanted to try to recreate it in Planet Zoo. ;)
As one of my main goals for this Beta was to get familiar with the building system, I gave it a try.

Obviously, the project is far from done. There are still some buildings and many details missing and the lack of foliage is apparent. Additionally, much of the site's charm comes from hight differences and those won't be stored in blueprints anyway (so far?). If the blueprints are still valid in one month (and a bit), I will try do create a zoo around this centerpiece.

As it's not sure, whether or not the blueprints will survive the Beta and I don't know, how much time I will be able to spend with the game until Tuesday, I've decided to share the current, premature state with you.



There are quite some compromises due to the available pieces, but for the first attempt, I am quite happy with the result so far.

And this is, how the real place looks like:

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