Are you running VR under minimum specs? Any good?

Hi CMDR's,

Looking to upgrade the PC to run Elite in VR. I note the min specs as per a sticky in this forum and have looked at both Oculus and Vive's min specs for VR.

Two questions; is your rig running below the recommended min FD specs and, if so, what are you running and how does it perform? I am especially interested in cpu's under min specs.

If you're running a system less than min specs, is it better to run Oculus or Vive? (something tells me Vive given their min spec requirements seem a little lower - esp in terms of RAM - but then Oculus has stuff like the Oculus debug tool for example).

Hi CMDR's,

Looking to upgrade the PC to run Elite in VR. I note the min specs as per a sticky in this forum and have looked at both Oculus and Vive's min specs for VR.

Two questions; is your rig running below the recommended min FD specs and, if so, what are you running and how does it perform? I am especially interested in cpu's under min specs.

If you're running a system less than min specs, is it better to run Oculus or Vive? (something tells me Vive given their min spec requirements seem a little lower - esp in terms of RAM - but then Oculus has stuff like the Oculus debug tool for example).


Technically I am. Oculus says my CPU is not good enough, but it seems to work fine. I have an i5 2500k overclocked.
Hi CMDR's,

Looking to upgrade the PC to run Elite in VR. I note the min specs as per a sticky in this forum and have looked at both Oculus and Vive's min specs for VR.

Two questions; is your rig running below the recommended min FD specs and, if so, what are you running and how does it perform? I am especially interested in cpu's under min specs.

If you're running a system less than min specs, is it better to run Oculus or Vive? (something tells me Vive given their min spec requirements seem a little lower - esp in terms of RAM - but then Oculus has stuff like the Oculus debug tool for example).


i7 4790k + 2x 980Tis and it runs bad.
If you don't mess with supersampling or HMD Quality, it runs smooth, but looks rather poor.

I honestly can't imagine running it with anything less than what I am, and people that are well below spec and saying that it runs fine probably only think it's fine because they haven't got a comparison to base it on. This game is very demanding if you want it to look decent.

You may be able to get away with a less than stellar CPU, but GPU will bite you in the bum.
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Sli isn't supported so you'll most likely get a lot better performance with just using 1 980ti for VR
Sli isn't supported so you'll most likely get a lot better performance with just using 1 980ti for VR

running 2 titans here and i still rather play on my triple monitor than with my vive.. now im waiting for the 1080ti's..
Sli isn't supported so you'll most likely get a lot better performance with just using 1 980ti for VR

Absolutely correct. I removed one 980Ti yesterday due to the fans breaking, and it's been running noticeably better since.

Also waiting for the 1080Ti (if they make it) or the 1090 whenever that arrives on the scene.
You definitely don't need more than 8gb of RAM. I ran with 8gb for a month or so and it was ok., totally RAM use was normally 5 -7 gb. Very occasionally my PC will just about go over 8gb now I have 16gb but without the extra RAM I think some stuff just got cached, so got a bit more stutter at times but it wasn't a show stopper.

From what I remember your CPU isn't miles below the Oculus minimum CPU in terms of benchmarking. Since ASW has been added to the Oculus specifically to lower the barrier to entry, depending on you GPU, you might get away with ED on your current system (if that's what you are trying to do).

With ASW active you FPS will only be 45 instead of 90 but that's a lot less work for you CPU. You probably couldn't get away with much less in GPU department than a GTX 970 AMD R9 290 or whatever is now equivalent but maybe a bit less. I think you are going to struggle to find many people with both GPU and CPU under minimum specs.
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You definitely don't need more than 8gb of RAM. I ran with 8gb for a month or so and it was ok., totally RAM use was normally 5 -7 gb. Very occasionally my PC will just about go over 8gb now I have 16gb but without the extra RAM I think some stuff just got cached, so got a bit more stutter at times but it wasn't a show stopper.

From what I remember your CPU isn't miles below the Oculus minimum CPU in terms of benchmarking. Since ASW has been added to the Oculus specifically to lower the barrier to entry, depending on you GPU, you might get away with ED on your current system (if that's what you are trying to do).

With ASW active you FPS will only be 45 instead of 90 but that's a lot less work for you CPU. You probably couldn't get away with much less in GPU department than a GTX 970 AMD R9 290 or whatever is now equivalent but maybe a bit less. I think you are going to struggle to find many people with both GPU and CPU under minimum specs.

Thx for the repsonses all. Am thinking of the below:

  • A8 7600
  • 8GB RAM (could add an extra 8GB but reading above, may not be worth it? Thoughts on this would be appreciated)
  • NVIDIA 1070 - need advice here (8 GB card? Know little about these cards so suggestions would be very much appreciated - also best site to buy them if you know) a friend said this would prob be best bang for buck card for VR - any other thoughts?
  • (new) Thermaltake 500W PSU so this should be fine to run what i'll need i think

If i keep the cpu as is (above) i can splash a little more on a decent GPU but as said above, know little about the newer Nvidia cards so advice would be very welcome.

ASW - Asynchronous Space Warp?

Thx again all - not a master pc builder by any stretch!!
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I am running a 2500K overclocked, 16gb's of ram and a 1080 FTW. Not a problem. The 3d effect is great but the sharpness is crap. But, I see it getting better as time goes on. Super sampling at 1.25 and HMD at 1.50.
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I am running a 2500K overclocked, 16gb's of ram and a 1080 FTW. Not a problem. The 3d effect is great but the sharpness is crap. But, I see it getting better as time goes on. Super sampling at 1.25 and HMD at 1.50.

We all have problems with the VR low resolution, supersampling helps but its still low-res. I've kinda learned to see past it, but the next-gen with better resolution panels, eye tracking and foveated rendering (if they all end up in the same headset) will be fantastic. Even now I have serious issues going back to flat 2D games, even if they are clear and crisp at 1920x1200.

When I received my Rift CV1 in August I was using a 3.5GHz i7 3770K, no slouch but it failed Oculus' silly cpu test. I'd recommend having 16GB of RAM - its cheap and gives Win7 or Win10 room to move and reduces any game stutter.
My 780GTX was running ED fine in 2D and was pleasantly surprised it ran ED in VR pretty well too, even at med-high settings. A little stutter, but ATW worked fine. However, while its performance was similar to the base 960 Oculus spec, the 780GTX cannot make use of ASW.

Now running PC as per sig, 1.25HMD Quality, all high/ultra with a few changes (blur off, DoF off, bloom medium, shadows medium).
My system only fails on one measure - the GPU for Oculus Rift and yet I am having a whale of a time. It glitches occasionally, but not very often even in RESs and I'm running VR High (no SS).

My system specs:
Asus Maximus VII MBoard
Intel 4790K
32GB 2600Mhz DDR3
1TB Samsung Evo 850 SSD

and the bit that fails the specs test - 2x780GTX Asus Poseiden Cards in SLI, but I am NOT running SLI in ED with the Rift.

I think I've said it before but my rig on "normal" 3 screen setup at 4800x1200 runs at around 200-210FPS in deep space supercruise and 110-120FPS in stations when under SLI. Taking one card out of the equation for the Rift I calculate that 3 screens = 5,760,000 pixels and the Rift iirc is 2,592,000 pixels, so half the GPU horsepower but half the pixels to drive. So all things being roughly equal my rig should be able to maintain roughly the same frame rates.
Thx for the repsonses all. Am thinking of the below:

  • A8 7600
  • 8GB RAM (could add an extra 8GB but reading above, may not be worth it? Thoughts on this would be appreciated)
  • NVIDIA 1070 - need advice here (8 GB card? Know little about these cards so suggestions would be very much appreciated - also best site to buy them if you know) a friend said this would prob be best bang for buck card for VR - any other thoughts?
  • (new) Thermaltake 500W PSU so this should be fine to run what i'll need i think

If i keep the cpu as is (above) i can splash a little more on a decent GPU but as said above, know little about the newer Nvidia cards so advice would be very welcome.

ASW - Asynchronous Space Warp?

Thx again all - not a master pc builder by any stretch!!

That A8 7600 really is a bit of an unknown. In all honestly what you have suggested looks ok (maby a bit high PSU if you can) but only if you are intending to or accept that you may have to upgrade your CPU and motherboard at a later date and this is a stop gap. The main problem I can see you having with that CPU not being be able to drive a 1070 to it's full potential. So you could be buying a really good and rather expensive GPU but totally under utilising it. If you can live with that and are planing further upgrades then I'd buy the bits (without the extra RAM) and see how it performs, if you are happy enough for now and can spare the cash buy the extra RAM (btw you will probably need to disable the onboard gpu or it will gobble a load of RAM up for the VRAM).

If you are blowing the bank and can't afford to or don't want to risk blowing more money later I'd be tempted to buy a 6GB GTX 1060 and a new motherboard and CPU instead. The 6GB GTX 1060 (has more cores than the 3GB version) and it's around £150 cheap than a 1070. You will be able to drive the 1060 fully and you will have a bit of future proofing with your CPU depending what you get. The 1060 is a bit more powerful than a GTX 970 and I found a GTX 970 to be ok. If you go for the second option and don't want to by replacement RAM you will need to find something compatible and that might mean and AMD FX 8350 or the like instead of RYZEN.

If you are in the UK is a good place to buy the bits and if you are a bit new to upgrading you can pay a bit more and insure the parts against installation damage (if you are nervous).
You can pretty much get the game running ok in VR with anything from a 970 upwards.

If you dropping frames you need to turn on Asynchronous and interleaved reprojection in steam, not sure what the equivalent is for oculus, but it locks your FPS to 45 and the reprojection stops any jitter and noticeable frame drops.

Works really well

I play it with a poor AMD 7850 and it works fine anyway, I only had to lower some graphic settings.
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I think I've said it before but my rig on "normal" 3 screen setup at 4800x1200 runs at around 200-210FPS in deep space supercruise and 110-120FPS in stations when under SLI. Taking one card out of the equation for the Rift I calculate that 3 screens = 5,760,000 pixels and the Rift iirc is 2,592,000 pixels, so half the GPU horsepower but half the pixels to drive. So all things being roughly equal my rig should be able to maintain roughly the same frame rates.

You're generally correct for a textured fill-rate point of view. Your 780GTX still has to accept two different scenes from the cpu and render them somewhat separately. Its difficult to know how Cobra handles the twin eye camera viewpoints, but it will not be as efficient as a single camera for the 2D players. I imagine shaders are run separately for each camera (at least for ships/stations/other near objects, but possibly not the skybox or planets in supercruise)

Still, I was surprised at how much grunt the ol' 780GTX was able to manage in VR. I think at launch, for the Rift CV1 with good ATW already implemented, the 780GTX was VR-capable.
Wow - thanks so much again for all the great advice.

That A8 7600 really is a bit of an unknown. In all honestly what you have suggested looks ok (maby a bit high PSU if you can) but only if you are intending to or accept that you may have to upgrade your CPU and motherboard at a later date and this is a stop gap. The main problem I can see you having with that CPU not being be able to drive a 1070 to it's full potential. So you could be buying a really good and rather expensive GPU but totally under utilising it. If you can live with that and are planing further upgrades then I'd buy the bits (without the extra RAM) and see how it performs, if you are happy enough for now and can spare the cash buy the extra RAM (btw you will probably need to disable the onboard gpu or it will gobble a load of RAM up for the VRAM).

If you are blowing the bank and can't afford to or don't want to risk blowing more money later I'd be tempted to buy a 6GB GTX 1060 and a new motherboard and CPU instead. The 6GB GTX 1060 (has more cores than the 3GB version) and it's around £150 cheap than a 1070. You will be able to drive the 1060 fully and you will have a bit of future proofing with your CPU depending what you get. The 1060 is a bit more powerful than a GTX 970 and I found a GTX 970 to be ok. If you go for the second option and don't want to by replacement RAM you will need to find something compatible and that might mean and AMD FX 8350 or the like instead of RYZEN.

If you are in the UK is a good place to buy the bits and if you are a bit new to upgrading you can pay a bit more and insure the parts against installation damage (if you are nervous).

Thanks again Gorton - I am in Australia and the 1070 is pretty exy. I might take your advice, look for a 6GB 1060 and try upgrading the cpu and motherboard as i don't want to blow too much on this.

Problem is, my MOB only supports other cpus that arent really much better than the A8 7600 so how do i go about finding a MOB that will support a better cpu but still support my current RAM? (Which is PC3-12800 DDR3-1600)
If you are trying to spend as little as possible and going down new CPU mainboard, GTX 1060 and PSU route, I'd try what you said... sticking the GTX 1060 in what you already have first (if your PSU is good enough!) and see if performs ok. It probably will be ok and you could just buy that extra RAM if you wanted. If your CPU is going flat out then look at the rest of the upgrade, if not keep what you have. I think that is what I would do, I mean you might (and probably would) get away with it with the GTX 1070 but it’s a lot more money to risk finding out.

If you want to upgrade the rest the money saved on the 1070 would pay for a large chunk of it (over here an FX-8300 + Mainboard is about £160 and the 1060 is £150 less than the 1070) You would need a socket AM3+ motherboard that says it supports DDR3-1600 and has some USB 3.0 sockets. Something like this should do the trick (this one was commonly purchased with an FX-8350 CPU from scan, don’t think you can overclock with it but its low priced). You can pair that with something like or From what I’ve been reading DDR3-1866 RAM is what you would normally use with those CPUs but what you have will work, just with a minor performance hit but if you buy more make sure it is the same as you already have.

It isn’t gonna be the best VR experience but it should be good enough to enjoy and if in a year or two you want more performance (and you probably, will ED in VR is AWESOME!) you should just be able to plonk a GTX 2070 or whatever it is in and ramp up those settings. I think I was using what was then (before Horizons 2.2) VR med default setting with my GTX 970 but that was before ASW so it was a bit choppy at times. You could probably get away with VR high at 45fps at a guess. It is super sampling/HMD quality increases @90fps that are the real killers and why people end up with big beefy cards. I've got a GTX 1080 now and want even more power but I would much rather play in VR on a GTX 970 or GTX 1060 than be playing on a monitor.

Update: been checking out YouTube videos and it seems it is quite likely your CPU could cause a bottleneck. I will link the video that shows it most clearly. The setup is similar to what you will have and during the benchmark the CPU goes to 100% on all cores so the limiting factor is the CPU not the GPU which never reaches 100%, so if in the video it was a 1070 not a 1060 there would be no gain over the GTX 1060. Get a 1060 mate.
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You can pretty much get the game running ok in VR with anything from a 970 upwards.

If you dropping frames you need to turn on Asynchronous and interleaved reprojection in steam, not sure what the equivalent is for oculus, but it locks your FPS to 45 and the reprojection stops any jitter and noticeable frame drops.

Works really well

You should use one or the other in this case, not both as far as I understand it.

Keep Async Repro on, Turn interleaved off.
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