Articulation Motors - This old gem

Hi All,

As the title suggests Articulation motors, I need some for a couple of Remote Release Flechette Launchers and there doesn't appear to be any current threats on these. The fleet carrier prices are extreme to say the least and the only other way to get them is through missions. So my questions are.

  1. How do I find the missions that have them as rewards? I have to hope they are just not randomly spawned and it is complete luck stumbling across them.
  2. How do the FC get them? Are they supplied by lucky commanders? Or is it a FC owners secret society type deal?
    1. If its a Secret Society, how do I join, I have a FC so.... 😁
Any ideas welcome.

Can't say I've seen ay missions for them for a while, but if it's anything like Modular Terminals when I was doing massacre stacking and the payout was $$$ or $$$ + some MTs, I'd take the MTs and just stashed them on my carrier for s+g's.
my FC Limpetuous (based in HIP 3010 near Cubeo) has plenty of them at lowest possible prices, and all other misson-only-obtainable commodities as well: Modular Terminals, Micro-Weave Cooling Hoses, Neofabric Insulation, Articulation Motors and even Nanobreakers (though they don't seem to have any use).

BTW: "live" has lots of low-effort high-cargo-reward missions for those commodities, whereas in "legacy", it's 2t/mission only (I offered them openly in legacy as well, though some muppet completely cleared my FC there, even the Nanobreakers, in one go, so it's request only on legacy - still have a stash there replenished).
Intended to help with the module/engineer/tech broker unlocks, not intended for those stupid "get 2000t of Neofabric Insulation" missions for a mere 5MCr reward, but now after I post public there's no way to prevent that...

ah well, just look for "Limpetuous" at Inara's station search, the FC market tab there is correct and will update. Unfortunately, I don't know why it won't list in their commodity search list as result even though I run EDMC. Worked until a year or so ago... or even longer, at least since the Great Division (live|legacy)... Inara seems to mark my FC as "no docking allowed", even if it's open to all, only had it restricted for two weeks at different cargo CGs where Neofabric Insulation was one of the requested commodities. Inara seems to have issues with that, but hopefully any CMDR with an active Inara account (I don't have one, just running EDMC) docking the FC will reset the entries there.

[edited and added a few lines to last paragraph]
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