Battle of the Mountain Goats/Sheep!

Hi all! (my first topic)

There is only one (rather unknown and not my favorite sorry) goat/sheep like creature in Planet Zoo for now, so if there were any more which of them would get your preference?

For me Mountain Goats and Sheep are just awesome! They were among the first mammals I really loved and as a child I always wanted to visit german zoo's where you could walk among the Ibex and Moufllons so I could touch their impressive horns!

My favorite is the Markhor, it's the most bizarre, then comes the Mountain Goat, as it is the best climber, then the Bighorn Sheep, so we have a mountain sheep, then the Barbary Sheep, looking cool and coming from Africa, then both the Chamois and the Ibex, probably because they are from Europe, and I'm from Europe, so they are so common for me lol.

What is your favorite?

Fun Facts
  • The Mountain Goat is called Sneeuw Geit in dutch, which translates to Snow Goat (which in my opinion is a much better name for it!)
  • Chamois is called Gems in Dutch language, why the Gemsbok is called that way is probably because of the colors on the snout!

The list I know about:


Ibex (multiple subspecies)

Mountain Goat


Maned Sheep / Barbary Sheep

Bighorn Sheep / Mouflon (kinda the same)

I would definitely want some of these! The Alpine Ibex is practically a must, and the Big Horned Sheep and Rocky Mountain Goat are North American animals that, if not really iconic, are still very recognizable. The Markhor would also be a great addition.
Yeaahh, they're so cute. :love: I think they should make the game: they are one of the most unique animals I've ever seen, would fit in lots of zoos and themes: Himalayan, Chinese, mountain in general, and the babies are so cute. I'll pay whatever for a packwith them to be honest. One of my favourite animals. :love:🙂
Definitely need a Takin! Sichuan would be my preference, but they're all nice really.

Markhor is definitely a necessity... the spiral horns are too cool.

Ibex would be great; a lot of people point to the Alpine species, but I think the Iberian or Siberian are cooler looking (its the horns).

Chamois would be cute, really like the little hook horns.

For a "normal" sheep though, my favorite would have to be the Marco Polo Sheep; those horns are huge!
Bovine cow-like-creatures are really strange, some non-members I thought were members are Gnu/Wildebeast, which is an antelope, the Takin which is a goat-like creature, and then the Musk Ox, which is also a different type of animal...
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