Becoming a joke

Ever since release, I have reported through the "crash report box" that my game crashes every time it's started up. I even went to report it through the ticketing system and that doesn't even work. What's going on with Frontier?

Another recent update and the issue still hasn't been fixed. I've seen other people with the same problem. The game is unfinished and has way to many bugs. Shouldn't have been released with so many problems. Never seen a game with so many issues.

Once the issues are sorted, then we'd have a decent game, but until then... I'm struggling to bother with it.
I must say it runs quite smooth on my end, the only time it "crashed" was today when Steam forced an autoupdate and closed the game.

Just to be sure, did you check your graphics drivers and such?
Nothing to do with my hard drives. They're all the latest drives & updated. As stated, it also happens to other people from what I've seen. As soon as it loads onto the main menu with the globe, it freezes and crashes. Only works opening it the second time round.

This happened with Planco when the toolkit was introduced, but was eventually fixed after a few days.
Never had as many issues as Planet Zoo to be fair.

I have had plenty of issues with other games, but far less with Planet Zoo/Coaster (not saying they aren't there, just not that noticable as with AC Unity for instance).
I'm sure the team are seeing the crash reports however in order to fix an issue they more than likely first have to replicate the issue which can take a lot of time since your crash could be caused by literally anything to do with your computer and not just the game itself. Apart from the first time loading crash which most people have, I've only ever had one crash in which I had the option to send a report.

So it might not be the game (it could be), it might be your hardware, an issue with the installation causing a file to be corrupt, or any software like updates or anything running in the background even things you might not realise like, for me, Logitech and Corsair software run in the background for my mouse, keyboard, wheel, headset etc. Frontier obviously don't have every set up known to man and it'll take time to find the issues some people are having.

The best advice I can give you is to try and verify the installation, try installing it on a different hard drive, exit every program and driver running in the background before starting, try different settings or resolutions. If you can narrow the issue down yourself it's a massive help to them. I know this shouldn't be on your shoulders for a full release game but if it's something you want to play and do enjoy when it works then every little bit of help does actually help Frontier make the game work for everyone.
Yeah, I agree with Sirlacker. It is difficult for Frontier to identify and isolate the issue when the game works fine for so many others. It is unfortunate for those who experience the game crashing. It has not happened to me even once. So it is unlikely a specific issue with the game itself. It is most likely a combination of factors. Which again, makes it difficult for Frontier to "fix".
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I have same problem, but I think it's a problem not easy to replicate, being limited to a few users. Maybe it's a problem caused by a specific video card? I've nvidia 2080ti.
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