Hi Forum memebers,
I've got a query and need some help. I have a PS4/5 profile that I wish to transfer over for PC. I've also got an old PC profile from 6 years ago (when I bought ED on PC) that may still be active. Do I need to ask Frontier to delete my old PC profile so that I can transfer my PS4/5 profile. Thanks.
Not enough info...
If you can't access the PC account then yes support will be needed to delete it...
If you dont have a PC but want the transfer in case you get a PC later then get fdev support to wipe it... If you dont have a PC level web browser and are using a mobile only to post on the forums then thats bad as support pages dont like mobile browsers and they hate browsers like "brave" that changes compliance with web sites randomly ...
If you never ever purchased any thing on the PC account then the account could be dumped any way and you make a brand new one with another email at cloning...
If that 6 year ago purchase was direct from Fdev... then youll need support to delete the save...
IF you have a PC and used it to post on this web site and you purchased Via steam not direct from Fdev then you can whipe the save game your self with a potato PC all you have to do is get to the main menu it does not require you to boot into actual stations or any thing just hit clear save on the PC screen menu... If you have steam versioin you can use services like Geforce now with nvidia account to remote launch elite dangerous then clear save...
with out you stating "how much is on the account the value of the PC account" will change what you should do...