Best day so far!

Day 4 of my first epic exploratory mission.

Made it 733LY from SOL, progress has been hampered by my growing obsession with getting the best photo possible.

Today I found ~10 Terra form candidates, 1 a water world, the rest HMCs, a sloppy-seconds Earth-like:

some pretty views:

And then THIS:

HOW BIG???!!!??!!

I wondered how close I could get. Fuel scoop switched on at 168ls...

This system had my first supergiant and first type IV gas giant. Someone got there before me, but I was still blown away by it.

I have no destination or goal in mind. I have just realised I like blue stars best, they seem to have the funnest things near them, so that's how I plot my route. O, A, B, neutron or on yer bike. I'm off down the unfashionable end of the western spiral. Might see you in a couple of months.
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Amazing stuff there mate. Know what you mean about the giants, they're just incredible. Still haven't quite gotten over my first - "Oh, it isn't that impressive. Just looks normal, you know. Wait a minute - 3200ls away? Wow!"

Good luck to you, and please keep sharing these photos.
I love super giants. Most jumps end up with the familiar stellar zoomage at the end that we all know and love, but supers? Nah, those just WHAM right in your face covering your whole HUD.
Day 5: The biggest rings I ever did see:

Metallic too, for the adventurous prospectors among you. A 1600ly round trip is nothing when you think of ALL THE GOLDZ :D
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I've had 2 more best days!!

I have found a black hole with some weird toroidal distortions at the centre:

A really bright B (or maybe O?)

An apparently terraformable water-world with an extremely toxic atmosphere:

And a beautiful Earth-Like:

I might be away from populated space for a while... I'm hooked!

Hi can you give me the name of the system and the number of the planet for my list, please?
More best days!!

Binary A/B pair:

Holy Moly, 11,000K surface temp, 21 Million atmospheres of gemstone/glass vapour for air, and molten gemstone/glass volcanoes? I want planetary landings!! Can you imagine that?

TC Water World with a beautiful view of the Elephants Trunk:

Leaving the Trunk:

Next destination in the background - looks awesome from here. Will it blind me with all those Os and ?

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