Best PvP ship in game currently!

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Ok community, best pvp ship in current build. I'm going for the Clipper. I think its the best PvP ship overall for now. With the fer-de lance a close second.
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I don't own it. Fer de lance would be great for pvp. Vulture is just pve which is sad because i like the look of the ship. Wish they would change the vulture a little to make it more pvp friendly.
I would have to say the Vulture simply because it is so cheap it is a throw-away.
So you can do as much PvP in it as you want without the result making you bankrupt or anything. And of course the more you try the better you get.

Cheap in the sense that the Vulture can earn you its rebuy back in just a short session of grind.
And being so cheap it is still a formidable combat ship.

On the other hand, if you lose a Phyton or FDL, you are stuck on the grind-pain for how much time?

As Stalin said, quantity is an outstanding form of quality.
Just took out an entire SSS with my explorer Cobra, so I am a little biased. Maybe the not best ship for high rank PvP but damn it's pretty good and very hard to kill if you know how to handle yourself. Plus if you lose (which I never have yet) then who cares? It's incredibly cheap to replace.

Fit it with 2 small Burst Lasers, and you can fire indefinitely at fairly decent DPS. If you can kite, then even large high ranked ships will be shieldless in a matter of seconds (not minutes).
- Anaconda. As long as the SCB spam meta persists, this is the ship that can do it the most.
- Imperial Clipper. Because it if you can't beat them, you can just retreat swiftly.
Clipper for its speed, and you don't have to sacrifice precious energy and slots for SCBs (though I fit a couple in class 3 slots where they're best suited for. If shields need recharging just stay out of weapons range until their SCBs are spent. And you have the advantage of superior weapons, distributor, generator etc. since they used all resources on SCBs
Of the ships I've flown, I'm most consistently dangerous in a Courier.

Of the ships I've flown against, I feel most threatened by FDLs and Pythons (to approximately the same degree).
Missing poll option: Orca!

Why? Shieldless, full of hull reinforcements, the Orca battering ram.

Another missing option: Sidewinder!

Why? So damn cheap you can pew-pew all day and not worry about the cost of losing. :D
I have my first real PVP in a Phyton, against a Viper............... i have to run like a baby sniff.
i always get owned by low size ships ¬¬
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