BradHann Oct 12, 2020 #1 Two jumps from home after several weeks out in the Black. The PC couldn't wait just long enough for me to make two more jumps, dock, and sell my data. Heh. Typing this on a tablet is a pain.
Two jumps from home after several weeks out in the Black. The PC couldn't wait just long enough for me to make two more jumps, dock, and sell my data. Heh. Typing this on a tablet is a pain.
Stabby_Dave Oct 12, 2020 #2 I feel your pain. Not on the same level, but my trusty X52 hotas is circling the drain at an increasing rate of knots.
I feel your pain. Not on the same level, but my trusty X52 hotas is circling the drain at an increasing rate of knots.