Better Graphics of the HUD and other places - more eye candy please!

When ELITE starts, you see your ship in a orange/red colour like a ruffian. :-(
Same in the hud on the right side or in the services menue of a starbase.
Would be much prettier to see the real ship model with it's colours - it's painting at these places.
One more reason to buy a paint job for the ship... Why should I buy a paint Job for my ship, whan I cannot see it?

The stations and the station interior is pretty done in graphical details.
But why look my hud this plain like it was made in the 1980's?
I think the complete HUD and the Radar needs a graphical excessive labor.

And the radar could show things a way to better distinguish between the ships, stations, etc.
Why not a circle in the Radar for a station? At the moment it's the same icon than a ship.
And there are more colours in the world to let one distinguish better between allied, enemies, ships, aso.
Completely disagreed... looks like you want something like external cameras instead of the cool holograms we have now, i love the interface, is futuristic, and clear... the real purpose of an inside cockpit hud,... not to show how pretty things are outside.

The radar information is good enough... the only thing i always miss is some color for the ships i already scanned... and some way to cicle between real commanders and npcs.
Cool Holograms? Only targeted planets on left side of the hud are somehow 'cool'.
Ever seen the Heads Up Display of a new car? -> Like this:
This is state of the art technology.
This hud in ELITE Looks like from last century - there is nothing futuristic for me.
With more graphical detail in hud you will earn more Information.

And there is no witchcraft to program different HUDs, changeable by player in the game settings.
So the old HUD may become kept by player if he like it.
Others can switch to a more modern style, suitable to the year 2016.
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