Better Group Controls

Simply put its kind of a pain to get 3+ people into a USS with the current system when different ships with different FSDs charge at different speed when leaving the last USS.

1) I would love to see a "FSD Support Link" for the internal slots of a ship that would allow us to enter Supercruise together ( with the largest mass ship taking the lead ) and exit together.
With better grades of the support link allowing a bigger difference in mass allowed so an Anaconda will need the top of the line millions of credits link to fly with a sidewinder or eagle.


2) Make it to where we can see a USS that a friend entered with a indication that they are in it so we can join them even after their wake has dissipated.

These are just minor complaints as I love this game but coming from eve online im used to fluid fleet mechanics and fleet warp movements.
If anything is done or not im happy with the product I have received.
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