Better Path system

I have an Idea, it´s not new in this forum, and there is alot of games doing it. But I really think this game needs to take a thinker about theyre path system... becouse as the Alpha is today... the path system is really bad... really really bad...

What I suggest and so many others is that the path system should be a paint-based system, so you paint your paths like when you paint new textures for grass, stone and so on in many others games like the sims 3. Would be much easyer and would work. Just a brush tool that paints your paths. You as a player can of course change the size, the sharpness of the edges... what kind of paths that should be brushed... and the brush is of course painting the 3d paths you see today and more. Player would have more freedom, faster building experience and it would be easyer for everything else related to the path system. Just paint your path with different paint brushes, sizes and so on. There can be different brushes that have predetirmened propaties. One could be more snappy and sharp (creating sharp angles and so on) with fences and one could be more freedom. Check out this forum to see what we mean. I really think we need to get the devolopers to add/change the path system:

Of course the system that exsists now could still be in the game... but I would rather have some paint based path system so I can do whatever I want. Instead of this ALPHA algoritm- angle snapping limited path system that exsists with the alpha today. I dont see how the system that exsists today can be perfect without a brush-paint system like the one I described. With the system that exsist today, you limit the players creativity and by doing that the player have to struggle with the tool to make what they want. Even if you fix the worse part of it today... it´s potensial is limited. Also the system that exsist today is way to advances/technical... I can just imagin all the problems you programmers are facing with that "way over advance" path system you have today... Just put in a brush path system and it will be easyer and better for eveyone. Shure still challanges, but the potensial is alot better. - THE SIMS 3 0.16-0.22 Thats how fast you make a path in whatever shape you want. Now you just have to connect it to your path system so peeps will use them, and make them look like 3d paths in your coaster game.

Now look at a guy using the Planet Coaster path system
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