Just wondering if there were any known 'bridges'/fast routes between spiral arms? I mean, I can't imagine Buckeyballers getting 8hrs by sticking to the sparkly tracks.
At the moment the situation seems like mountains surrounded by a flat footpath. You can either take the longer, easier and more certain route on the footpath or try to climb the mountains, but then end up zig zagging and with sometimes one target to jump to, the chance of fuel starvation goes up.
Speaking of which, have any of you ever encountered a 'dead end' at any point before Saggy A? I mean, where you do say >10 jumps and then find there is either nothing in range or not enough scoopables so you have to backtrack the same 10 jumps and go up/down a few dozen Lys to get a better route? Reason I ask is I'm jumping around the 'rafters' of the galaxy at the moment at about 1,600 or so up, and often get only one star to go to (damned, damned SRV), so worried that at some point there will be 4 brown dwarves or something!
At the moment the situation seems like mountains surrounded by a flat footpath. You can either take the longer, easier and more certain route on the footpath or try to climb the mountains, but then end up zig zagging and with sometimes one target to jump to, the chance of fuel starvation goes up.
Speaking of which, have any of you ever encountered a 'dead end' at any point before Saggy A? I mean, where you do say >10 jumps and then find there is either nothing in range or not enough scoopables so you have to backtrack the same 10 jumps and go up/down a few dozen Lys to get a better route? Reason I ask is I'm jumping around the 'rafters' of the galaxy at the moment at about 1,600 or so up, and often get only one star to go to (damned, damned SRV), so worried that at some point there will be 4 brown dwarves or something!