Roller Coasters Big Bad Wolf Recreation

Started this on Tuesday, getting close to finishing..

Never got to ride it, but I always wanted to. As soon as I saw the Suspended Coaster was coming to Planet Coaster.. i knew I was going to recreate it. I took a vacation day off work just for today's update and spent most of the day building it. I don't have much more to go.. but here's a taste of what I've got so far.



I think I need to raise that lift and hill up some at the end in that last picture. There are a few things I wasn't able to do just right do to game limitations. I feel this is very close though.
From what you have shown, you are pretty close to spot on. I grew with this park and this ride and honestly, even after Griffon was put into place, Big Bad Wolf and Alpengeist were like a tie for my favorite. Do you plan on releasing this in the workshop? I've been thinking about trying to do a Busch Gardens Williamsburg recreation if I can ever find the time.

Good stuff though so far, keep us updated with how it goes.
Oh yeah Definitely going to do that. It will be a park file though because of the landscaping. The only thing left really to do is the station, and the village area. I'll probably do a few things around the queue line area as well like Der Katapult and the Beer and Pretzels building to make it feel more lifelike.. I may have it finished in a few days. I just have to get the time to actually work on it between work and other stuff. I found an aerial view finally of it which I can see there are a few things not right in the layout. But changing the layout will result in a much slower coaster. I even had to raise the first lift hill higher than it should be with a steeper drop to get the speed to fly through more realistically. I'm pretty happy with how it looks though. Is it Exact? No.. but like I said.. close enough, and fun enough to ride. Even the Planet Coaster stats for it seem about right.

I also just want to add again that I never really got to ride this. I've never been to Busch gardens even though I've always wanted to go. So I'm creating all of this from videos and what pictures I can find. I wish they had never taken it out. Verbolten gets great reviews.. but it just doesn't look as fun to me.
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Never been there but wow, that first drop must've been pretty awesome back in the days. The coaster seems really smooth, good job.
That's actually the second drop.. it has two lift hills.

two more pics for you. I'm thinking this will be up for download Monday but don't quote me on that just yet.


From the bottom of the first Lift Hill Valley


Custom Supports anyone?
I actually added some trim brakes.. They don't work like they are supposed to because of how long the track pieces are.. but.. I added it. I also threw a quick little teaser together

Station took longer than expected to get just right. I'm just currently detailing the area around the station and then it will be uploaded..


Here's a picture I posted on my twitter Monday I think it was...
Wow! didn't take you long to really nail this one down! Great job Shadow! I never rode the Big Bad Wolf but your recreation is very cool. Looks like a fun rollercoaster!
Thank you.. I'm just really really OCD about tiny little things.. so I really thought I would be done by now but again that OCD kicks in and a small thing turns into hours of work... This weekend I hope to have it up... I also figured out Googles streetview of Busch Gardens is quite old and Big Bad Wolf is still there in those pictures.. so I can get really nice views from that. The aerial view is newer but the streetview is still 2000 or so..
Thank you.. I'm just really really OCD about tiny little things.. so I really thought I would be done by now but again that OCD kicks in and a small thing turns into hours of work...

Oh do I know! I'm the same way. Its really quite remarkable that I actually turned in a Go-Kart submission for the contest. It was not "finished" for me by any sense but the deadline looms.
I can understand being OCD with the details. I really want to do a recreation of Pompeii but I don't know if I want to do it just for the fact that we don't have that big boat ride. If I ever get the time and become decent at working with scenery, I want to slowly over time try and work out a full Busch Gardens park in PC. I knew of someone who was working on one in RCT3 a few years back but he sadly gave it up after getting into Scotland.
Im working on this recreation as well as my vista view park. And i may start one more park as well.. It gives me options on what to do during a day to keep from getting burned out on one thing
Worked on this for the last 2 days.. Still not done just yet.. but just about.. It's a labor of love so sorry I'm taking longer on it. I just want to make it beautiful.

Here's a few more pics to tide you over though..

The Station Front



View from the Bridge..


Run through the Village...




Thanks everyone for waiting patiently for me.. I'm proud to announce I just finished version 1.0 of Big Bad Wolf. There's still a few things left unfinished here and there but the coaster itself is complete. Again.. I had to take a few liberties here and there but.. Had to work with the confines of Planet Coaster.. so without further ado, here she is... The speed of Fright.. Who's afraid of.. THE BIG BAD WOLF

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Nice work Shadow! I just checked it out! This is a really great recreation of a rollercoaster. Small attention to details like the bridge and the tutor style buildings. Really nice terrain sculpting too. You have impressed me! Building any old thing is easy but recreating an existing real rollercoaster and all its intricacies is something to be proud of. I really enjoyed The Big Bad Wolf and gave it a thumbs up on Steam. Its always fun seeing recreations come to life.
Thank you.. that means a lot to me I did take much longer than I expected but I'm big on little details, and very OCD about it. Not everything was finished in the final build in the station area.. but I feel it was good enough to put up. I'm going to slowly continue working on it as well to fix the things I didn't get to finish.. like the little creek bed at the end of the ride before the coaster goes back into station.. and a few of the flat rides I never finished. I'm very proud of it.. and I'm glad to hear it's getting a good review
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