Birds for one and only Avian DLC

Yeah, that's what I've been told. I wouldn't mind one, though. They are beautiful birds. I once saw one (I was like, 10) fly over my house, but people don't believe me.

@JanH25R, when I read your quote of me, this is how it popped up:


For a brief moment, I thought I wrote exactly like that, and I was very confused😂
I will join with 2 more little Birds :)

Red-headed mask tyrant; (Red Crown Tyrant) ** / Myiozetetes similis ** - LC
Habitat: Central America, South America
Total length: 16 - 18.5 cm
Weight: 24 - 27 g
33-IMG_0502b Tyrann.jpg

Common buzzard / Buteo buteo - LC
Occurrence: Asia, Europe, North Africa
Habitat: Forests, heather, grasslands, scrubland
Head-torso length: 51 - 65 cm
Wingspan: 110-130 cm
Weight: 0.600 - 1.200 kg
Food: small mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, carrion, fish
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