Blueprint limit 2000 instead of 1000 please

1000 is just not enough. Now I understand we dont need 10.000 blueprint pieces because people would upload half parks but slightly more is needed if you have it slightly detailed.

I think 2000 is a nice number. It doubles what we have now so it should solve 99% of all problems

I hope you agree
I agree. But:

If they do that, there will be folks who say: "We need a limit of 3000 Pieces please". And so on.
thars why 2000 is a good final number. You can still build a nice building without saving on detail

right now i have blueprints where "you need to attach the roof yourself" because its too big and they arent even that detailed just some lights and walls etc

especially support beams take up alot of space

if we cant have more than 1000 pieces in a building then let us have at least 2 buildings of each 1000 pieces max per blueprint
I think that we need more than 1000 pieces just because ... we don't have enough shapes and textures.

Sometimes you have to duplicate dozens of pieces together to make a roof that does not exist, or to use dozens of planks to make a wooden wall that does not exist either.

In my opinion, no need to increase the number of pieces in a blueprint.
We need more official content + the UGC support to easily create new content ourselves.
After that, 1000 will be more than enough ! [yesnod][up]


Volunteer Moderator
I think that we need more than 1000 pieces just because ... we don't have enough shapes and textures.

Sometimes you have to duplicate dozens of pieces together to make a roof that does not exist, or to use dozens of planks to make a wooden wall that does not exist either.

In my opinion, no need to increase the number of pieces in a blueprint.
We need more official content + the UGC support to easily create new content ourselves.
After that, 1000 will be more than enough ! [yesnod][up]

I agree here...

I have created a building in the workshop which is pretty huge, still it has less then 1000 pieces.
Most of the buildings use the pieces very inefficient, the roofs Angelis pointed out is a perfect example. A single tile roof consisting of 25 pieces is not how it should be. (ok that sounds harsh, ofcourse there is no other way to do it for now, but it just feel "wrong" to me to have so many pieces (and performance) spend on a roof)

Silvarret is another example. I love his buildings and he truly is a master creator, but his buildings use a LOT or parts, most of the pieces have only a minor part visible for decoration.
If we could have UGC and have those decorations as a single part it would only count as 1 piece instead. This will also greatly improve performance since less objects have to be calculated.
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Silvarett builds to inefficient! Great buildings! But not performance friendly. Just test it! I build a basic cube with 1000 pieces and just copied 20 times! Means 20000 pieces. My fps going down to 40fps. And that without rides and guests in park!
I think instead of an object number it should be a poly count number.

For example I originally built this roof out of the single planks but I then realised that by using this ladder type of object it contains two planks in one object and they fit together well.

From an efficiency perspective the simple plank should be much better as this object is at least 3 times the polys of two planks, but from the current object limit it is twice as good to use the high poly ladder instead of the simple plank.

Basically if I'm mostly using planks then I'd like the limit to be more than 1000, but I can see how 1000 of the more detailed objects could cause trouble.

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