Blueprint Suggestions (filters, menu placement, editing)

I enjoy making blueprints, but they clog my menus when I'm looking for basic items (like just trying to peruse plants and seeing literally every blueprint that I have that contains a single plant). It discourages me from making more.

Therefore, I would make some suggestions:

1) Allow a filter so I could see only non-blueprints. To do this manually with tags would be complicated as I'd have to add a non-blueprint tag to all regular items, which makes me anxious to think about.

2) To allow manual decision about where blueprints fit in the menus. For example, if I have staff building with one tree, that building shows up in the plant menu, which is not just messy, but not useful to me at all. Allowing me to make this decision would be super helpful!

3) If I could make adjustments to my blueprint descriptions without needing to retake the picture or even place the blueprint would be nice. For instance, if I'm in a franchise game and see a typo, I could fix it in the moment without having to load another game to afford to place it and photograph it in a matching biome background.

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