Body Exclusion zone hit !

Body Exclusion zone hit !
Despite my efforts to find any good answer to this message, I am posting this question.
Is this warning message, just a warning? Or is it an obligatory do not land on this planet?
On first encountering the message I turned away !
Later as it seems to be encountered more and more, I want to push through and land. As yet I have not been able to land on a planet that presents the warning.
I am in Horizons, so planet landing is in game. I have planet landing assist installed.
Are some planets out of bounds, if so is there any map indication of this? To save me the time and not try.
Or am I doing something wrong?
Approaching a planet with a station on the ground is easy and works nice and efficiently.
Yet an uninhabited planet is for the most part a very long process to get close too, then this ( Body Exclusion zone hit ) message put's an invisible wall that I can not get passed.
Please include the obvious in any answer, do not assume I know the obvious.
It just means it's a planet with an atmosphere, and as you may know, atmospheric landing is not (yet?) supported by the game.

Basically in the system map, if a body has a blue arc around it, you can land, if not, you can't... And yeah, I know that seems counter-intuitive. The arc kinda looks like an atmosphere limit.

Anyway, it's a hard limit for now.
Bodies that you can land on have a blue outline on the System map. Previous answer didn't load until I posted.
There are a few exceptions to that rule - atmosphereless bodies that can't be landed on. Those may be permit locked, and show uup with a red (instead of blue) arc.

Also (grumble....) lots of bodies (including all those yellow moons) with 0.00 atmospheric pressure. Yep, also not landable.
So Elite Dangerous Horizons hasn't got planetary landing in it as advertised. !
You just get Moon landing ! And most that I have seen are spherical dust blobs.
Nort, it is pretty simple to identify the landables...

Yes planetary landings are in the game. No not all planets are landable, aka StarTrek.
I was wondering the other day, if it was possible to hit the exclusion zone of a star using heat sinks. For science.
I was wondering the other day, if it was possible to hit the exclusion zone of a star using heat sinks. For science.

You can run into it any time you want, heat sinks are not obligatory, you may want a cool running ship though jusy to be sure, but it's easy enough to get away without being blown up.
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