Body Exclusion zone hit !
Despite my efforts to find any good answer to this message, I am posting this question.
Is this warning message, just a warning? Or is it an obligatory do not land on this planet?
On first encountering the message I turned away !
Later as it seems to be encountered more and more, I want to push through and land. As yet I have not been able to land on a planet that presents the warning.
I am in Horizons, so planet landing is in game. I have planet landing assist installed.
Are some planets out of bounds, if so is there any map indication of this? To save me the time and not try.
Or am I doing something wrong?
Approaching a planet with a station on the ground is easy and works nice and efficiently.
Yet an uninhabited planet is for the most part a very long process to get close too, then this ( Body Exclusion zone hit ) message put's an invisible wall that I can not get passed.
Please include the obvious in any answer, do not assume I know the obvious.
Despite my efforts to find any good answer to this message, I am posting this question.
Is this warning message, just a warning? Or is it an obligatory do not land on this planet?
On first encountering the message I turned away !
Later as it seems to be encountered more and more, I want to push through and land. As yet I have not been able to land on a planet that presents the warning.
I am in Horizons, so planet landing is in game. I have planet landing assist installed.
Are some planets out of bounds, if so is there any map indication of this? To save me the time and not try.
Or am I doing something wrong?
Approaching a planet with a station on the ground is easy and works nice and efficiently.
Yet an uninhabited planet is for the most part a very long process to get close too, then this ( Body Exclusion zone hit ) message put's an invisible wall that I can not get passed.
Please include the obvious in any answer, do not assume I know the obvious.