Bounty Hunting and Influence questions...

I recently got my faction added to the game, we are currently on the way to take over the system.

I read that handing in bounty vouchers helps raising the influence, not much, but it helps.

So how does this work? I keep getting vounchers for the current owning faction but not for mine.

What should I shoot to get bounty vouchers for my faction?

and does the KWS have an impact on this?

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
Bounties issued by your faction will raise your influence - however until you have control of the system its a really ineffective method. Yes you can use a KWS and only cash the bounties issue by your faction, but you would be much quicker to run missions for now. A drop of bounties is worth the same as a ++ mission but will take you a lot more messing about to get!
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