Bounty Hunting Friend(s)

Hello I'm fairly new to the game and was looking for a couple of people, or just one person, to go bounty hunting with in resource extraction sites as I think it would be more fun to voice or text chat with someone while hunting NPCs. I have a Skype and a microphone and am not afraid to voice chat if that helps. If anyone is interested in forming a group or little party of people to go bounty hunting in any system that also wants to voice/text chat please reply to this thread or PM me and I can also post my skype in the thread if someone wants to add me there. Thanks for any replies!
I'm always looking for people to play with. I'm bounty hunting at eotienses right now, and working on the cg for lembava, you can add me if you want to wing up at some point, CMDR Darth Labia.
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