Broken Gameplay

Odyssey Gameplay at its finest...
1. I have clean status.
2. The guard sees me through a wall
3. He eventually wants to do a scan but he does not even talk to me or ask me to stop.
4. I noticed he wants something from me and I stop
5. He reacts saying "don't try to hide"... uh? 🤨 Hey buddy I'm here, do your scan....
6. He starts shooting. I don't react
7. He calls for reinforcement, all base is under alarm and finally kills me when I didn't even shot a single bullet for self-defence.

during Alpha we were told (if I recall) that NPC's hard direct line of sight through all walls etc and this was to be fixed. Maybe it hasn't.
during Alpha we were told (if I recall) that NPC's hard direct line of sight through all walls etc and this was to be fixed. Maybe it hasn't.
In the patch notes they reported that it was fixed but I already noticed that even in the tutorial mission it was broken.
Odyssey Gameplay at its finest...
1. I have clean status.
2. The guard sees me through a wall
3. He eventually wants to do a scan but he does not even talk to me or ask me to stop.
4. I noticed he wants something from me and I stop
5. He reacts saying "don't try to hide"... uh? 🤨 Hey buddy I'm here, do your scan....
6. He starts shooting. I don't react
7. He calls for reinforcement, all base is under alarm and finally kills me when I didn't even shot a single bullet for self-defence.

Why are you surprised?
These are the same people who scripted:
  • Burning station in distress - but has enough energy to fire on rescuers for laughable reasons
  • Attacked Megaships attacking her defenders, because - nobody knows
  • NPC-'Pirates' stopping ship without cargo hold, demanding cargo and starting to shoot. If you shoot back, they just flee with 20% hull
  • Mission-Enemies fleeing and returning seconds later in fully repaired and shielded ship, sometimes even in a different ship
  • Passenger-Ship made small flying error - shot down, all killed, except pilot, who made the error
  • NPCs changing 'Wanted' Status mid fight, bounty gained for firing on an 'innocent' ship
  • ....
Why should Odyssey be better?
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