Discussion Can I use AutoHotKey to prepare messages without typing them in the chat manually?

As per subject. Let us say for sake of example that I have an Orca ramming build and I want to make whale sounds in chat while I fight, without actually having to type it. Can I macro it? Is it against the ToS?
Sure you can

Send, {F2}
Sleep, 300
Send, {space}
Sleep, 300
ClipSaved := ClipboardAll ; save clipboard
clipboard = Whale noises
; ClipWait
Send, ^v
clipboard := ClipSaved ; restore original clipboard
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 300
Send, {Escape}
Sleep, 300
Send, {Escape}

Like this

When pressing F5, this AHK script:
opens the comms [F2],
activates the text field [space],
inserts the text to clipboard,
pastes it,
restores clipboard,
sends the message to your current target [enter]
and finally returns you to the point where it started.

Hope this helps.

-CMDR Saarinen
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