Can you please just stop these fake 'Frontier Zoo' players, thanks

you can still see if it is forntier or not.. the pawn on the right is only there when a player sells an item, and not with the real frontier zoo's

also, people make up their own name for their franchise, some people just like the name "frontier zoo"
The fact that there is the person symbol next to the asking price should be a sure indication that this is a player animal. Do we really need specific ongoing action from Frontier for what is a minor issue? I don’t remember how it was in the beginning, but the person symbol might have been added just for this purpose.
Oh, please don't make the name censoring any more restrictive than it already is! The system they use creates huge amounts of false positives, so if they started to block "Frontier Zoo" any zoo with some form of "frontier" in the name would be blocked... and depending on wether or not the person editing the block list does so on a Monday every zoo with "Zoo" in the name might face the same problem. I'd rather they leave that one alone.
[QUOTE="Caduryn, post: 8286269, member: 152664"

What if i don´t like any carnivore Animals....? Should Frontier remove them ....?

(no ofcourse not, im just kidding :D)
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