Cannon Effect

I don't know about you guys but i think the cannon effect could use some reworking. the big swath of smoke behind the projectile does not look right (IMO). for the want of better words more like photon torpedo effect would be much better.

well that's what i think. what about you guys?
I am actually with you on this one. Cannons don't quite look right.. solid smoke trails following a non self-propelled free flying object in space..
Smoke effect is reasonable if they use basebleed rounds... But using basebleed rounds have absolutley no measurable effect in space. But I like the smoke trails, as the smoke trails near the target my anticipation grows the closer they get and I get a big grin on my face when I see the explosions. When it doesnt explode I get slightly annoyed and feel bad inside.

Also the current smoke trail looks very much 2D. Plus there is no sound effect when firing the cannon? Or am I the only one experiencing this?
You mean like this?
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