Canopy Integrity % from 1.5? Speculation!?

Was watching the video in this thread:
At 1:40 in the ship computer says "Canopy Integrity at 50%". Before I seem to only remember it saying compromised or something so is this a change that may benefit those that suffer from rapid deceleration around large objects? :)

Despite having the beta I have no time to test, any explorers with beta care to faceplant stars for science?
Despite having the beta I have no time to test, any explorers with beta care to faceplant stars for science?

I've got about 50 jumps left on my current route towards a nice-looking bright giant, once I've surveyed that I'll jump into beta and give it a go. Can't get much more !!SCIENTIFIC!! than headbutting a ball of fusion fire. :)
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To my knowledge the voice tells your canopy-integrity since 1.1 or 1.2. During my bounty-hunter-times I heared this quite regularly, and that was before July.
To my knowledge the voice tells your canopy-integrity since 1.1 or 1.2. During my bounty-hunter-times I heared this quite regularly, and that was before July.

Darn, when exploring I only ever remembered it saying compromised then boom. Guess this could turn into a suggestion thread instead...
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