Newcomer / Intro Can't pay fine at Interstellar Factors?

I'm not exactly a newcomer, but I have been gone for several years, so I feel like a noob again!

I recently got a fine incurred (because I abandoned a mission and dumped the cargo when I realized how far they wanted me to travel!) but for the life of me I can't seem to pay it off! I tried Interstellar Factions, and I even went all the way back to the original system. I want to pay it off so I can sell my ship.

Is there a bug regarding these things? If so, is there a workaround?
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ISTR that you can't pay at IF if the issuing faction is present in that system. So, as long as we're only talking about a fine, if the IF doesn't want your business, try the official (can't remember what they were called) port authority. You won't go into prison for a fine.
Longstanding bug, in these cases you have to quit out to Main Menu and as CMDR GroG79 says; relog.... pay the fine. (To be extra sure, pay at the port that issued the fine.) ;) (y)
I think I've had the same issue recently on some failed AX reactivation missions, the ones you can't complete since the settlement is already active. I discarded the mission, got the fine, went back to the mission-giving station to pay it off - no fine detected. The same station had an IF - no fine detected. Tried relogging - same. Happened to be on a hospital ship later on, noticed it had an IF, and from there I could access the fine and pay it.
I had the same problem with a group rescued from Thargoid invasion. They changed the destination mid flight, I've deleted all the messages upon landing on capital ship, their alt destination got lost, so I had to dump them at the Capital ship. Got a fine, "no problems, in the next turn I'll land back on the burning station where I picked them and pay the fine there..."

Nope, couldn't.

They were one of the resident factions on a burning station, not the owners.
I had to find where this faction owns a station/outpost, fly there (6-7 jumps) and only there it was possible.

Spoiled brats, should have left them as bug food.
Very annoying feature. As others stated you have to find a system where the issuing faction is not present otherwise Interstellar Factors won't recognize you have a bounty (or a fine to be precise). Or you can log into Horizons, pay the fine, log out, and log back in Odyssey.
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