Dinosaurs Carcass and Bones

Your Feature Request / Idea
Dinosaurs that make a kill should defend/guard the carcass until fully fed and satisfied. They should also not allow others to feed on it (unless pack member) for a period of time because they will claim it as there own.When the carcass has nothing left the remains such as the bones should stay there until removed.Also no need for all dead dinosaurs to cause diseases which is currently ingame feature. Diseases should only happen if the dead dinosaur in not eaten and left there to rot.
It’d probably be a little iffy for the addition of corpses since that usually adds gore to the rating. I would love kill guarding as a behavior though!
The dinosaurs do kill each other so having there dead bodies reduced to bones wont be that much of a difference but I got no clue about game ratings so theres that lol
Exactly how cool would it be if a smaller carnivore like Dilophosaurus could scavenge over a left over meal of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Exactly how cool would it be if a smaller carnivore like Dilophosaurus could scavenge over a left over meal of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

would certainly add to the gameplay. having scavenger dinos in paddocks just to prevent disease would be really neat. would also help build up gameplay to a proper Site B nature preserve everyone has been wanting. Picking out different types of herbivores and carnivores to fill niches otherwise they could potentially die out.
I wouldn't mind if the carnivores at from the dead, and for the dead dinosaurs to actually decay over time. I would watch in Jpog how they slowly rotted away it was nice the old game a little bit more life.

I've seen the carnivores restrain slightly from killing constantly but they do not eat from a kill they already made when hungry they just kill again. And that would be fine I guess if it was like in JPOG where the carnivores had this urge to hunt meter of sorts but in this they dont so they should not make more and more kills. It's hard to have an enclosure with carnivores when they kill the herbivores faster then the painfully slow lab can make them.
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