Carrier Resupply Questions

The trailer says carriers will be able to resupply your ships
Will you have to purchase ammo and store it on the ship?
Will the carrier be able to synthesize the ammo? If so will it have its own material storage?
How about fitting? Do you buy 100 each of the modules and store them on the ship for you and friends to use?

What are the thoughts on that the "Fuel Resource" will be ? Can ya do the Neutron star boost jump?

Deleted member 38366

IMHO the term "Unique Resource" to refuel the Carrier catched everyone's eyes and naturally raised alot of interest.

- Unique as in "New"
-> there's you scooping a yet-unknown substance maybe off a Class 2 Gas Giant with a reduced Body Exclusion Zone - moving deeper into the Atmosphere means faster Resources scooped... but Surface Pressure will make that speed-up move a gambit requiring skill

- Unique as in "a specific thing that's already in-game"
-> there's you either hauling in Hydrogen Fuel from a Station near the bubble or Fuel-Scooping a "Mule/Tanker", a Vessel retrofitted equipped with plenty of additional Fuel Tanks and a large Scoop at the Sun to offload into the Carrier Supply

- Unique as in "you need to get normal stuff like Hydrogen Fuel - but need to spice it with some Elements"
-> similar to Enhanced/Premium Fuel, requires Synthesis components. Likely quite a few.

But as Retropolitan said - we simply don't know yet.
I take it everyone hopes it isn't some new type of super-grindy Grade 5 Element like "Unobtanium" ;)
The phases of acceptance of new functionality in ED:

1. Happiness - there is a new \o/
2. Hype - we come up with many strange new extensions to what has been announced, and decide it is all required
3. Fear - but what if the dev team don't play their game? This could all go horribly wrong! We should worry and ask for information!
4. Salt - it will be broken anyway, this game is ded. We no longer want information, as the game is ded. Did I say? Ded.
5. Release - we get what was on the tin, some are happy, some are mad. Next day we start to ask what is next.

This is a Stage 3 thread.

The trailer says carriers will be able to resupply your ships
Will you have to purchase ammo and store it on the ship?
Will the carrier be able to synthesize the ammo? If so will it have its own material storage?
How about fitting? Do you buy 100 each of the modules and store them on the ship for you and friends to use?

What are the thoughts on that the "Fuel Resource" will be ? Can ya do the Neutron star boost jump?

You will just use the normal resupply screen we have at stations.

There will be no storage.

There will be an outfitting screen, like in stations, but more limited, based on the specialisation of your carrier. You won't be able to give your friends modules

The jump fuel we have no idea, but it's probably a new grind mechanic. No you won't be able to nuetron boost in the carrier, the carrier is a static object which only hyper jumps from point to point.

This is obviously my own thoughts.
The way to look at it, is to imagine any dockable megaship, but you can make it move to where you want it to, using some item you probably grind for.

That's it.
It's a mobile station.
There's nothing more to it.
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