Caught in squadron limbo

cheers cmdrs. I am caught in the squadron limbo.

I tried to join the Kumo Crew squadron. I have sent an application via the squadron menu on the right hud and later recieved an ingame massage, that I joined the squadron. I can chat with my buddies via the squadron chat but otherwise it looks like I'm in no squadron. no squadron label on my ship or carrier, in the squad menu I see only the options to create a new squad or to join one. If I try to send a new application to the Kumo Crew, I get a massage, that I have already send an application. My squad leader doesn't see an open application.
If I try to join and leave another squadron to reset the bug, I get the message "application failed - something went wrong while trying to send your application."
If I try to create my own squad, I get the error massage "creation failed. something went wrong ehile trying to create the squadron. please try again."

I am stuck. Has anyone an idea or has experienced the same?

I created an issue, but no reponse yet:
cheers cmdrs. I am caught in the squadron limbo.

I tried to join the Kumo Crew squadron. I have sent an application via the squadron menu on the right hud and later recieved an ingame massage, that I joined the squadron. I can chat with my buddies via the squadron chat but otherwise it looks like I'm in no squadron. no squadron label on my ship or carrier, in the squad menu I see only the options to create a new squad or to join one. If I try to send a new application to the Kumo Crew, I get a massage, that I have already send an application. My squad leader doesn't see an open application.
If I try to join and leave another squadron to reset the bug, I get the message "application failed - something went wrong while trying to send your application."
If I try to create my own squad, I get the error massage "creation failed. something went wrong ehile trying to create the squadron. please try again."

I am stuck. Has anyone an idea or has experienced the same?

I created an issue, but no reponse yet:
Creating an issue will not help you. That's just a way of reporting bugs, and you need 10 other CMDRs to confirm it or it gets ignored. You will never get a personal response from an issue.

You want to submit a ticket so that FDEV will respond to you personally.

Do that here -->
thx I give it a try
Last time I checked, about a week ago, the ticket site was also hugely backed up. A big red notice says:


Due to an increase in the volume of support requests we're currently experiencing longer than expected response times. Please rest assured we will respond to every ticket as soon as possible.

And they cleared 2 of my tickets and changed the status to “resolved”, but they didn’t actually resolve squat. They sent me a note that they are aware of the issues and would not say if/when they would be actually fixed. I bet some help desk person actually got 2 brownie points for this.

Good luck.
Last time I checked, about a week ago, the ticket site was also hugely backed up. A big red notice says:


Due to an increase in the volume of support requests we're currently experiencing longer than expected response times. Please rest assured we will respond to every ticket as soon as possible.

And they cleared 2 of my tickets and changed the status to “resolved”, but they didn’t actually resolve squat. They sent me a note that they are aware of the issues and would not say if/when they would be actually fixed. I bet some help desk person actually got 2 brownie points for this.

Good luck.
My gosh!
Let's see if it gets sorted... btw I've seen yesterday that members have decreased by 1 but there was nothing in the squadron message board. 🤷‍♂️
had hope for a moment, but same story as before.

I got quick response from the support team:
"Indeed, something looks strange in regards to your current Squadron status.
It does take us to the Squadron "Kumo Crew" when we look at it on your account. However, in the list of members, your commander "Geralt DeWitt" is not listed.
This is likely what's causing this "Limbo" state." :LOL:

Now the server team needs to look into it. may take a week minimum.
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