cheers cmdrs. I am caught in the squadron limbo.
I tried to join the Kumo Crew squadron. I have sent an application via the squadron menu on the right hud and later recieved an ingame massage, that I joined the squadron. I can chat with my buddies via the squadron chat but otherwise it looks like I'm in no squadron. no squadron label on my ship or carrier, in the squad menu I see only the options to create a new squad or to join one. If I try to send a new application to the Kumo Crew, I get a massage, that I have already send an application. My squad leader doesn't see an open application.
If I try to join and leave another squadron to reset the bug, I get the message "application failed - something went wrong while trying to send your application."
If I try to create my own squad, I get the error massage "creation failed. something went wrong ehile trying to create the squadron. please try again."
I am stuck. Has anyone an idea or has experienced the same?
I created an issue, but no reponse yet:
I tried to join the Kumo Crew squadron. I have sent an application via the squadron menu on the right hud and later recieved an ingame massage, that I joined the squadron. I can chat with my buddies via the squadron chat but otherwise it looks like I'm in no squadron. no squadron label on my ship or carrier, in the squad menu I see only the options to create a new squad or to join one. If I try to send a new application to the Kumo Crew, I get a massage, that I have already send an application. My squad leader doesn't see an open application.
If I try to join and leave another squadron to reset the bug, I get the message "application failed - something went wrong while trying to send your application."
If I try to create my own squad, I get the error massage "creation failed. something went wrong ehile trying to create the squadron. please try again."
I am stuck. Has anyone an idea or has experienced the same?
I created an issue, but no reponse yet: