Horizons Ceos and Sothis, the new Robigo?

Wouldn't say they were the new Robigo, as they, along with Fehu have been offering long range smuggling for just as long, just a lot less publicised and talked about.
Pre 2.1 I use to do the "Fail on destruction" missions out of Sothis. I could stack up to 60 million credits worth of missions in my Python, anything between 5 million to 12 million each. These have been well and truly nerfed now :(
At best, with a Python, I'll get 20 million in haulage missions. I'll go elsewhere for my cash cow now.
Wouldn't say they were the new Robigo, as they, along with Fehu have been offering long range smuggling for just as long, just a lot less publicised and talked about.

Yep. They're weren't in the limelight pre 2.1 as there were other much better stations.

I won't be surprised if FD nerf these stations too in the future as they have with other stations. So stock up credits now before its too late and to prepare for rainy days ahead.
Yep. They're weren't in the limelight pre 2.1 as there were other much better stations.

I won't be surprised if FD nerf these stations too in the future as they have with other stations. So stock up credits now before its too late and to prepare for rainy days ahead.

I've been seeing lots of 5-8 million cred missions on the outskirts, way stackable. I'm at work but I'll post where there at if you'd like when I get home.

I have ~130 tons of space and can usually make about 15- 20 million credits in a run. ~120 ly trips. I'm not doing them, instead I'm doing data deliveries to gain empire rank, but they're there!
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They did seem to tweak the mission generator to somehow take into account your ship class or cargo space.

when I take my 192ton cargo Python out there, I hardly get any small cargo deliveries. (8, 12, 24 ton packages). With my 100 ton Asp get much more frequent offers for smaller cargo - and the payouts while a small amount different, is too small between large cargo vs small cargo missions - so I end up making more credits faster using asp than Python.

only reason I take Python now and then is to do the local missions offered in between CEOS and sothis - like salvage and such whee even zero threat USS equals multiple hostile NPCs.

I never liked Robigo because all you do is go out there and come back. With CEOS and sothis mutually paired, and with same factions in each station except 1 less in CEOS, it lets you go out, do local missions between the two and kinda have lot more to do than just endlessly run in and out on long haul only.

imo the pair are better than Robigo ever was, maybe not in credits but in game value because going out there you can do local mining missions, so parking a miner there is viable, salvage, USS hunt, and long hauls when you decide to leave.
I trend to roleplay a lot and Im having a hard time doing this missions.... what are they doing delivering all that biowaste to those stations near earth like plantes?? Are they throwing all that waste into the oceans???

(see? that might be a great story line for a quest...)
I trend to roleplay a lot and Im having a hard time doing this missions.... what are they doing delivering all that biowaste to those stations near earth like plantes?? Are they throwing all that waste into the oceans???

(see? that might be a great story line for a quest...)

If you roleplay, the RP that you are smuggling for real - and as in real life, smugglers generally don't declare their shipment of cocaine as cocaine.

It is stationary supplies and coffee grinds, with the cocaine hidden underneath.

So that "biowaste" is the 'special waste'. You just supplied a lot of hookers n blow. I'd RP the heck out of that.
Thanks for the support and comments. If you have any suggestions about new videos or things you want to see let me know and I can start working on them.
OMG do these bugs still exist. No wonder every new Cmdr is on the " I want bandwagon"
FD has not only shot itself in the foot, it has shot itself in the head. Making all other game play unattractive, due to these "missions". They are diluting their own game to nothing.

Cheers Cmdr's
OMG do these bugs still exist. No wonder every new Cmdr is on the " I want bandwagon"
FD has not only shot itself in the foot, it has shot itself in the head. Making all other game play unattractive, due to these "missions". They are diluting their own game to nothing.

Cheers Cmdr's

I didn't watch all of the Op's video, what bugs are you referring to? I have been flying these long haul routes for about 8 months now.
I trend to roleplay a lot and Im having a hard time doing this missions.... what are they doing delivering all that biowaste to those stations near earth like plantes?? Are they throwing all that waste into the oceans???

(see? that might be a great story line for a quest...)
Well <cough>, in theory you're delivering biowaste, but in practice which self respecting <coughing> law enforcement officer would wade through it to look something that shouldn't be there ...
Edit: and we all know it has to be done by hand, there's no scanner powerful enough to penetrate '100% biowaste'

<ahem> ssshhhhh ....
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I trend to roleplay a lot and Im having a hard time doing this missions.... what are they doing delivering all that biowaste to those stations near earth like plantes?? Are they throwing all that waste into the oceans???

(see? that might be a great story line for a quest...)

Biowaste is generally medical waste & organic matter. Sterilised and used as an energy source or fertilizer. Have always wondered why cmdr's here think that biowaste is purely manure :/
Biowaste is generally medical waste & organic matter. Sterilised and used as an energy source or fertilizer. Have always wondered why cmdr's here think that biowaste is purely manure :/
Maybe some don't give it much thought, and maybe cause it's funnier (although perhaps I'm not) to be shipping manure across the galaxy
Biowaste still polute a lot, thats why I find weird all those shipments going into stations near earth-like worlds. And btw, this missions are totally legal, no smuggling needed here.
I love the long range missions but I really wish FD would flesh them out a little and balance the payout with other professions.

I got 6 missions paying 6 mil each the other day. No relation between payout and rank, amount of cargo I needed to carry, harassment by pirates or security. Seemed more like a revert to 1.4 behaviour rather than an update.

No mode switching.
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I've been seeing lots of 5-8 million cred missions on the outskirts, way stackable. I'm at work but I'll post where there at if you'd like when I get home.

I have ~130 tons of space and can usually make about 15- 20 million credits in a run. ~120 ly trips. I'm not doing them, instead I'm doing data deliveries to gain empire rank, but they're there!

....you're taking your time getting home from work ^^
Biowaste is generally medical waste & organic matter. Sterilised and used as an energy source or fertilizer. Have always wondered why cmdr's here think that biowaste is purely manure :/
i hate to say this but... when you are smuggling biowaste what you are really doing is laundering it from an unlicensed waste handler. you are passing on to where it is disposed of. basically you are being paid to fly tip by small time crooks. i dont think its anything as glamourous as concealed narcotics or bank notes.
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