Changing a species' IUCN status?

I was just looking through the IUCN Red List website, as they have had an update today. I have noticed that the Colombian white-faced capuchin, the species in Planet Zoo, has had its IUCN status moved from Least Concern up to Vulnerable in March 2020 (I have included the species' page below):

I'm guessing as changes go its not a big one, but I think it would do a great deal to the game's accuracy to keep the animal's statuses up-to-date. I definitely think this should be part of a future update.
The IUCN had another update to its Red List today. While I will spend some time looking further, the main change I have noticed needs to be made is that the African savanna elephant (the species in Planet Zoo as opposed to the African forest elephant, which is Critically Endangered and has been assessed for the first time this year) has moved up from Vulnerable to Endangered.

The page on the website is included here:
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