General Gameplay Chaos Effect

Your Feature Request / Idea
Let me start by saying I love the game. Particularly I love the idea of us playing the mad scientists that has always been a major theme in the franchise. And all the different genetic components are great.

My only gripe is that it's a little off. As in, it goes too well.

"You never had control here. That's the illusion."
"Genetic power is the most awesome force the planet has ever seen, and you weild it like a kid that found his dad's gun."
"Life breaks free and crashes through barriers painfully, maybe even dangerously..but life finds a way."

My gripe is that aside from Incubation fails, and increased cost..there are no downsides to the genetic modifications we are making to these creatures. It always goes the way we would expect it to.

Frog DNA in the original lead to sexual dimorphism, which led to "Clever Girl"ect. The Indominos Rex is so unimaginable because it has soo many enhanced genes.
Enter the Chaos Effect %.

Similar to Viability, the Chaos Effect % would be based on how much we alter a Dinosaurs genetic code with other species.

Starting out in increments of 5%, and capping off a say 50%. The Chaos effect would have a chance of failure of one of your desired alterations. This effects would not be present until after incubation, potentially even after the animal has initially satisfied its hunger and thirst desires after release.

Ideally, the changes would either be a failure of that modification to go through ( ie, no increase in desired stat changes) or a reversal ( Instead of raising pop limit, it lowers).

Another potential effect could be from environmental factors..where the Chaos effect doesn't seem to implement until that Dino with Aggressive instincts starts to gain combat infamy..the higher that infamy goes, the more the comfort of the animal drops, until it can not be maintained.

Perhaps A group of 5 individual animals all seem fine, but the comfort of one of them drops unexplainably. It could create loners in otherwise happy herds.

There would be ways around it..obviously a 100% genome would have a 0% chance of a Chaos effect, while something like a cosmetic gene would have a 5% chance.
That could even have attached the chance for something of an Albino skin, or an alternate Chaotic version of the dinosaurs base pattern, and there could even be missions to try and breed a species until you get an individual with the Chaotic coloration.

There are a lot of ways it could be triggered or work..but the idea is that here we are..playing mad scientist, and unless we DESIGN a dangerous creature..then everything we do always goes exactly to plan.

In Jurassic Park/ World...that never happens. Individuals are different. Genetic changes based on environmental triggers is part of natural evolution. I just feel like things should..go wrong...and not in the boring, predictable nature with storms. But Random and Malcolm always warned.

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