General Gameplay Character control in 1st or 3rd person camera

Your Feature Request / Idea
Hi everyone, i would like to give one simple request that can improve overall park experience. How about controllable human characters, like guests in the park or park staff.

It will be really great, player can simple take control in 1st (easy way) or 3rd person camera of some NPC and walk around the park. Like that player can experience some really cool things like:

- feed, heal or hunt dinosaurs in their enclosures on foot (if you control park stuff)
- survive / escape deadly dinosaurs when you find yourself inside the dino enclosure
- take dino photos or selfie beside some attractions as a guest
- survive / escape deadly dinosaurs during rampage

What others thinks about this idea? :)
I like these. It has been on my wish-list and I mentioned it like countless time. I would like to add a few more points here.

- Able to take rides and go to attractions.
- Able to help injured guests with medical aides or transporting them.
- Able to hop in vehicles (providing more will be added in the future)
- Able to use flare guns/flares/tear gas/Tranq guns/Electric guns/Netting (any additional non-lethal equipments in the future, made available to security posts)
- Able to climb stairs, walk up to staircases, take those as temporary shelters. (I was observing the building details lately and found that every operational buildings have accessible stairs and staircases leading to rooftop)​

I understand this is a park management game and not a first person shooter but I think it would be cool if simple features can be included to simulate an immersive guest experience in a Jurassic Park. That is in fact my biggest dream with the game.
It would be awesome.
I am thinking the same thing since the first time I played it and long ago. Today I just finally decided to make a similar thread about playing as a ranger.
I tried to search for posts like yours but forgot to use the "character" keyword :p
This idea also involves controlling other NPCS so I like this one better :) I am rating this as an excellent idea! Thanks
I think that a new gamemode could be added, focused on 1st person interactions and, of course, exploring the park, just like when using the Gyrospheres.
Since you can control the ACU helicopter and the rangers truck I think the playable park staff aspect is already covered.

Still, it would be nice to play as a visitor in first person, to see your park from another perspective (if a gaming platform has VR support, this could be a great use for it).
I’ve been wanting this since day one. I think taking over a guest would be too difficult though. It may be better if you just were able to enter a mode when you spawn at the entrance in first person. You then could move around the park interacting with your attractions. This may be difficult though outside of sandbox due to constant notifications going on in your park.
I put a post up but was to post it here so I've copied and paste it here, sorry if it doesn't make sense to your post.

Simple take control of a Human, walk where you want, get on what rides you want, accidentally follow a car through an enclosure, climb out of a Gyro if you want.

1st person mode of you been the guest, this could work in multiple ways.

Isla Sorna being a civilian with out fences and boundries - Awesome
Isla Nublar in the park - Awesome
Isla Nublar with an Abandoned park - Awesome.

Walking amongst herbivores seeing their beauty
Running from the Carnivores, to stay alive.

These would be true to the films and a great way to expand the game in a completely different direction. doing this would see the game for the next 5 years for sure.

A park builder and a 1st person survival game if you saw wished it to be.

Why should this be done? Because as Malcom once said "Life can't be contained, Life breaks free, Life finds a way"
And from fallen Kingdom we now have to live together without them fences and boundries.

So all around It seem's very fitting

- Able to use flare guns/flares/tear gas/Tranq guns/Electric guns/Netting (any additional non-lethal equipments in the future, made available to security posts)
- Able to climb stairs, walk up to staircases, take those as temporary shelters. (I was observing the building details lately and found that every operational buildings have accessible stairs and staircases leading to rooftop)​

Honestly I always wished that guest would run up the stairs too as a way to try and hide from any escaped dinosaurs. And I really hope they add more non-lethal options that could all have their own pros and cons and could act as loadouts/upgrades
Your Feature Request / Idea
Hi everyone, i would like to give one simple request that can improve overall park experience. How about controllable human characters, like guests in the park or park staff.

It will be really great, player can simple take control in 1st (easy way) or 3rd person camera of some NPC and walk around the park. Like that player can experience some really cool things like:

- feed, heal or hunt dinosaurs in their enclosures on foot (if you control park stuff)
- survive / escape deadly dinosaurs when you find yourself inside the dino enclosure
- take dino photos or selfie beside some attractions as a guest
- survive / escape deadly dinosaurs during rampage

What others thinks about this idea? :)

Awesome idea! The shooting mechanics and character models are already there for the rangers and ACU. I think a third person would be better because you could then get a better idea of the scale of the buildings and dinosaurs around you (it’s difficult to tell how big something is in most first person games). The over-the-shoulder camera that you get while aiming the rifle as a ranger or ACU person could stay the same, and then it could zoom out a bit when walking around.

The only issue would be that dinosaurs would need the ability to kill you without the usual fixed animation. A T. Rex would need to be able to charge at you and eat you even while you’re running away, for example.

If they implement this though, then the replayability of the game will be increased infinitely. They could introduce mini stories on pre-built islands from the movies, like the dinosaur capture scene on the game trail in The Lost World. They could do so many DLCs, and I would be so up for it!
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