D2EA "I was not able to detect any difference between Odyssey and Alpha" He has a beast of a machine.
I have a potato. It is below the minimum specs for Odyssey.
I'll tell you now, there IS a difference. A big difference. The Alpha was unplayable, and I have low standards.
In Odyssey I get 25fps with graphics settings on low, and 20fps with graphics settings on Ultra.
In ships I get 60fps.
Don't bother asking someone with a beast of a machine what performance is like, ask someone with a potato.
Watch the video. D2EA reports slight improvements planetside in Odyssey compared to the alpha. Overall the performace compared to Horizons is close to half on average. He also recommend that people running on potatoes wait, but puts a little pressure on Fdev, by saying he will keep us posted, if Fdev find a solution.
I'm running a PC similar to D2EA's, with a 3070 and more memory, and a Reverb G2. I haven't checked my FPS, but it's clearly lower than Horizons. It's playable for now, with a few tweaks, but I get a lot of short freezes, especially after hyperjumps, while the game is loading the different layers of the star. In stations I'm well below 30 fps. There is plenty of room for optimization (culling) as Yamiks et al has shown. They simply released it without proper optimization. Should be fixable, but it's far from the only task, so time will tell.