Close Map when committing a crime

there was something that annoyed me yesterday ...

I was delivering Cargo to a Settlement and had my next target in mind.
I hit the "Launch ship" button.
While I watched the Launch-Sequence I thought: "Hey ... maybe I'm near the Alliance. There is this Bounty I wanted to turn in for a long time"
I opened the map and looked for the nearest Alliance System.
It took a while and I found one that was pretty close (80ly or so).
  1. The map closes.
  2. "Shields offline"
  3. "Missile incoming"
  4. HUD vanishes.
  5. Death
  6. "Do you want your ship restored with full equipment?"

Last thing I saw on the HUD was the 600Cr fine for "wrong parking"
I was hovering above the landing Pad while searching the galaxy map. Sure. That was plain dump.

My suggestion:
Please automatically close the Galaxy Map when a player commits any sort of crime. And not when it is too late and they have already start shooting at you.

That would give you "some" time to react.
Well, firstly, never open your map while "loitering" sometimes the loading alone can take longer than the loitering count down.
In one case, on my laptop (old, slow), I opened the galaxy map after hitting launch, by accident, and it took 4 minutes and 19 seconds to do so.
Luckily 41 seconds is plenty of time to escape the dock, but still. I nearly soiled myself.

Good idea though, we also need a cancel loading for both of the maps.
As I've on numerous occasions opened my system map, while in SC at full throttle, and its taken so long, I've ended up 10,000s of ls from my destination. Lol
Yes a Cancel map load but also add my suggested warning alarm and flashing "WANTED" status for a few scary seconds.
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My problem with the actual functionality is that you do not see your surroundings while in the map.
If the galaxy Map would be included in the HUD from the cockpit (I don't want this - the map would be way to small) you would see that something is wrong.

But in the galaxy map - no chance.
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