CMDR Mahrix's Exploration log

Good Evening fellow explorers!

My 2nd and much longer trip out into the black is under way. Stay tuned for Updates :)

Leg 1

Stats so far for this trip
Stats so far.jpg

First Expedition
I will be using this thread to document my exploration exploits. I have decided I wanted to start my first "major" expedition tonight. I will be traveling from my home base in LHS 2931 and will be starting out towards the SDAR region, than move on to the bubble Nebula. From there I intend to swing around to the Heart and Soul Nebula, then come back around through rosette and seagull nebula than up through Barnard's loop than back home.

If all goes well I will attempt an expedition to SAG A*. I will try and post updates and screenshots on a regular basis. If anyone wants to add me, by all means do so. And yes I'm pretty new to the game (2 weeks in), and brand new to the forums, so if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. :)




Links to the highlights to this trip! Enjoy :)

Double Ammonia World! :)
Ringed No atmosphere Ammonia world

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4 and Day 5
Day 8
Day 9
Mid leg 4 Update
Rosette Nebula
End of Trip 1

Trip stats

ELW - 2
Ammonia Worlds - 8
White Dwarf -
Neutron star -
Black Hole -
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Welcome, Cmdr Mahrix :) Looking forward to your posts! Good luck out there!

Remember to post pics, we love pics - use your debug camera toggle to take out-of-cockpit pics (use thrusters to maneuver the frame).
Also, it's good to remember Oh Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me ;)

Fly safe, Commander :)

EDIT: Also, "Good evening"?? - Where in the world are you?! :D
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Its Evening for me, I work 2nd shift and just got home from work about an hour ago :p

Also apparently I'm under forum restriction as I'm new on the forums and have no idea how long they last. Apparently I can't post attachments, links, upload my avatar or even edit my posts yet. But when the restrictions get lifted I'll be sure to Update posts with plenty of screenshots :)
Ah, alright then :)
And the restrictions is only for the first few posts (4? 5?), so it'll be lifted soon enough :)
Day 1

Not much earth shattering happened during last nights exploration. Found a couple of Water worlds and some gas giants with water based life, but not much more. Traveled 716 LY's towards SDAR region. Once I make it there, I plan on hitting all the local nebula's before heading off towards bubble nebula. I hope to make it to SDAR tonight to take in the sights :)

Here are some pictures of the more memorable moments of my 1st leg.

1st up is a really nice ringed blue gas giant


This is a strange one. This is a HMC with a 100% water atmosphere. Doesn't look like there is any water on the surface though....

Another strange one. This is a Water World with an ammonia atmosphere.

First Water World Discovered this trip and better yet this one in a TC. Mandatory selfie time :D

Here is yet another strange little planet. This one looks like a gigantic brown leather ball :p

Binary star system

And last but not least we have yet another nice looking blue giant. I kinda have a thing for these blue colored planets :)
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Day 2 really started out boring. the first 600 or so LY's were nothing special, mostly ice planets. The last couple of hundred ly's though bought to me a couple of TC's a few first scan systems and my first ELW of the trip. Some of the highlights posted below.

I didn't think this was going to come so soon in the trip. First ELW hype!

This trolled me, I thought this was going to be my first ELW, but it ended up being a terriformable candidate and made a good photo, so here it is

Here is some more blue gas giant love :)

This is a weird looking Gas giant that looks like it has almonds and chocolate chips embedded in it.

And here is a binary star system and mandatory selfie :D
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Day 3

I finally made it to SADR nebula. It sure is beautiful out here, however all the pictures I took in the nebula did not turn out good at all :( This day also bought me a few water worlds some terriformable candidates and a lot of first scans. I am now heading in an approximate "Southeast" direction towards bubble nebula for my second leg. I am going to have to try and pick up the pace :p A little over 2k lys traveled in 3 days isn't exactly setting any speed records :p

Anyways for the highlights :)

Water world hype :D

Here is some more Gas Giant love :)

Now here is something you don't see everyday. A brown dwarf with a very large ring system.

And from with in the ring system itself

An ice Planet I found with a really nice ring system

And finally some of the better HMC planets I found
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Don't say I didn't warn you - that bug is more contagious than the Cerberus Plague ;)

Yep, 16,000 Ly out, 560 systems, I will continue to the neutron fields, have some fun there and come back....2,000 systems should get me to Elite, currently pioneer 56%.
Yep, 16,000 Ly out, 560 systems, I will continue to the neutron fields, have some fun there and come back....2,000 systems should get me to Elite, currently pioneer 56%.

starting the return from Sag A* myself, only need 40m credits for elite, so fingers crossed that I make it back alive :)
Day 4 & Day 5

After witnessing the beautiful light show known as SADR nebula, I have proceeded steadily South-westward towards bubble nebula. Day 4 bought me some more water worlds and my first Ammonia World :) I have decided to stop measuring distance traveled as it gets me kinda depressed when I hear about people traveling 1klys an hour and I'm lucky to reach that in a single playing session. However I'm having fun doing it the way I have been and taking in the sights, so I won't be recording distance traveled anymore.

And on to the best part of the post: The highlights :)

Day 4

1st Ammonia world encountered!

Water World Hype!! :)

Nice blue Gas Giant! I really think these look nice :)

An HMC that I thought was a good picture

Day 5 Highlights

1st off a scary moment. I landed in between the to M-Class yellow stars to the right. Fortunately I fly a Diamondback Explorer and had heat sinks so this did no damage, but still scared he hell out of me.

Hey I think I'm going to be the richest explorer when I get back. Apparently I found the only place in the universe where ice can exist at 452K :rolleyes:

Day 5 Water World Love

And Finally I leave you with the best of day 5 Gas Giants
Day 8

Finally made it to Bubble nebula last night. The view was definitely worth the price of admission. Now that I have reached the end of my 2nd leg, I'll be swinging down to the Heart and Soul nebula fairly nearby. Here is to hoping the visuals are just as good as bubble :)


Here is some pics of some cool looking planets on the way to bubble

Binary Star system

My favorite part! The nebula pics :)
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Day 9

Made it to my 3rd stop of my trip today which was to Heart and Soul nebula's. On my way I found my 2nd ELW and 2nd Ammonia world, both in the same system. There was also a HMC (TC) and a water world in that system. Best part of this was they were all 1st scan. Actually my whole trip from Bubble nebula to Heart and Soul for the most part was 1st scans :)

And so it is, I begin my longest leg of this Journey. The 7.6kly Journey to Rosette Nebula.

Here are the highlights of the 3rd leg of the trip.

ELW and Ammonia World First scan hype :D

Here is a nice looking ringed blue giant :)

Close binary pair

And last but not least the nebula pics
Here is a weird one. A ring ammonia world. Although this one doesn't seem to have an atmosphere. I'm guessing this would be water based life?

Edit: Sorry, but the system name is OP-SEC as I'm still relatively close. Not that I don't trust trust the readers of my thread, but I do come from an EvE online background and so I take all the necessary precautions ;)
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I will be arriving at rosette nebula at sometime tomorrow. This will mark the end of the longest leg of this journey. From there I will be visiting seagull nebula. Below is some of the highlights thus far for leg 4 of this expedition.

Lets begin with some binary pair love :)

Some Ammonia worlds I found tonight

A ringed metal rich world

Here is a ringed Brown Dwarf

and another one

Some water worlds I have found

And last but not least some of the better gas giants I have found this leg
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