Coaster Manifacturer - Idea's and observations


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As we have seen, all coaster now have a manifacturer. As far as I could tell the coaster no longer has a specific name like "Gnarler" or "Stingray" but instead they are reffered to by the manifacturer and the coaster type.

I like this idea as it adds another layer of semi-reality towards the realism of coasters. However I'm affraid this also adds a downside when it comes to "merging" coasters or adding multiple trains to a single coaster. As we discussed in multiple other threads it was always a bit annoying that we got a whole new ride for every new train design. For Example the "Gnarler", "Zephyrus" and "Monster" share the same wooden track but are considered as 3 individual rides. I hoped in the future it would be counted as 1 ride with 3 train options. The same could be said for countless other examples in the game as well.

Not all 3 trains are from the same manifacturer though, in my opinion this would make it nearly impossible to label the ride to a specific manifacturer. Does this mean every coaster train will still be considered as a unique coaster? (And same for tracked rides?) Or will there be a way around this? Or will they simply pretend the different trains are all from the same manifacturer?

Any idea's on how this could be dealth with?
I mean in the first game, all rides and brands were labelled as fictitious, so they might be using the same logic here; creating parody names and just assuming that by taking (say) different wooden coasters from different manufacturers in the real world, in this universe, these variations are all made by one manufacturer. :)

But hey, that’s just a theory. A Planco theory!
I think we are thinking about this way too complicated. I don't know how they will do it in the finished version but you could still sort them in a very simple Fashion:


On the left that is the Tabs for the Types of Coaster you want to build, and on the right Side is the individual Coasters. (The Wooden Coasters have the old Name since i don't know what they will call them in the End.) So you click on the Steel Coasters for example then you see what Coasters are available under that Category. The Manufacturer Name is just a Bonus, Flavor Text if you will and has no other Function. If you sort them this way it doesn't matter really who the Manufacturer is. If you put down a Wooden Coaster they all use the same Track Type so you can just choose the Train you like. Yes it is not 100% realistic, but this is a Game :p
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