Horizons Cobra MK IV

So where does one go to buy the Cobra MK IV and about how many credits will I need to purchase it?
I bought one, but I'm not liking it. It's really slow and not as sturdy as I expected. Decent firepower, I suppose, but not much use if you can't point it at the enemy. The only good thing I can say is that it has lots of equipment slots.
With the 15% discount my A-graded Cobra Mk IV is worth around 10-12 million credits. But to be honest, the ship sucks terribly. It is just bad ship design come true as they took the Cobra Mk III, made it bigger (= heavier), gave it another gun but without upgrading the subsystems which are exactly the same as in a Mk III. Therefore the Mk IV lacks almost everything that made the Mk III such a great and well balanced ship. The Mk IV is incredibly slow (a Hauler outruns it), is as agile as a turtle, has ok-ish jump range and drains the small power distributor in no time.
Some people see it as a planetary explorer and I admit it has the number and required classes for those modules. But flying over the surface of a planet at ~300 m/s is a pain. Even for that one purpose I prefer the Mk III and live with the smaller cargo capacity and maybe just one SRV instead of two.

For almost any purpose there is a better ship than the Cobra Mk IV. I wish they had not made it an exclusive item which is the main justification for most people why the ships sucks so awfully.
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