Colonia Bridge Phase 3 - Community Goal Rewards

Bruce G

Greetings Commanders,

Pilots around the Milky Way recently coalesced for an outstanding contribution to phase 3 of the Colonia Bridge Community Goal. We’d like to thank all the contributors for their patience regarding the rewards.

The reason for the delay is that the uniquely double-engineered Frame Shift Drives currently have an issue preventing them from being modified with experimental effects.

So you can enjoy these modules in the meantime, they will be given out later this week with an in-game inbox message to notify you. They will not be modifiable during this time while we work on a fix to come in a future update.

We apologise for any inconvenience this brings and hope you enjoy the special engineering they still carry in the meantime.

So they've given out broken FSDs already. But the reason for the delay is that the FSDs are broken.

Got it. They've got me waiting two weeks for no good reason.

Not exactly...

My take on this matter:
Colonia Bridge 2 FSD were delivered unmodifiable - no experimentals at all.
The community melted (quite rightfully) and FD hot-fixed them

But, this new batch of FSD, from Colonia Bridge 3, seems they will come unmodifiable again. Or so i read into Bruce's message.
And this time they will not be hot-fixed (*) but will be fixed in the future patch

*(the previous hotfix was rather borked, but i didn't really mind - the way i engineered them gave me no issues, however i guess the support was burried in tickets from people complaining they cant apply experimentals)
The experimentals couldn't be applied as delivered last time either.

It is only silly modules, why be so stressed about it? 🤷‍♂️

Maybe @LeoBartlet should drop by with a TTE...
The quoted reason for the FSDs taking so long to be delivered is that they're broken. But they were delivered as broken last time too, so ultimately it's perfectly acceptable for FDev to give out the broken FSDs as rewards.

...So why are we waiting two weeks for them?

I was waiting to go to the Hieronymus Delta until I got my Dolphin fully set up, but I guess I should just head out now if the FSDs won't be delivered correctly. It shouldn't be unreasonable to want the modules that I grinded for.
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