Newcomer / Intro Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium

Sorry, but I'm not understanding. What, exactly, is an "EDH Colonia"? This thread is the only hit on Google for that term.

If it's an installation or megaship in a star system around the Bubble, then it's not got anything to do with the Colonia region - it's just a randomly generated installation. It doesn't have or need a "permit", because you can't land there - it's not designed for landing on.
Sorry for the confusion. The title of the thread is the original latin name of the town I am from :), Cologne in Germany, and EDH Colonia is Elite Dangerous Horizon Colonia, hence I wonder what one must do or go to for a permit to EDH Colonia.
Ah, I see. You mean the human colonies in the Colonia region. There is no permit needed - they're just like any other star system in the Bubble, they're just 25,000 LYs away. The only barrier to going there is the distance.

Colonia isn't just for Horizons content, either; there are plenty of space stations there, so there's still plenty to see and do even if you don't own Horizons.
Got it, thanks much and stay safe there!!!

I wrongly thought I must get a permit, but this is only for the engineer Mel Brandon to be invited by the council.

25k Lys....! Thanks but no thanks, I'd be long driven mad by that "frame shift drive charging...." sound. ;)
25k Lys....! Thanks but no thanks, I'd be long driven mad by that "frame shift drive charging...." sound. ;)
Options --> Audio , you can disable the individual speech outputs.
There is also a bunch of stations that lets you dock and repair roughly every 5000 ly. And if you still think that is too much, you can exchange roughly a third of the distance for a few rebuys by using factabulous' Prison Taxi route . Just remember to sell your scan data before you commit your felonies.
Thats one reason I was happy to suicide back to the Bubble for the Reorte CG - I was only as far out as Lagoon Sector (about 5k-ish ly) on the way to Colonia when I thought 'Man, wish I'd engineered my ship a bit first...'.

So I looked into Colonia Engineering options...dayum!

Don't worry, I sold my Lavian brandy and Exploration data first :cool:
What does that mean to suicide back to the bubble, did you mean a brand new account?

Land at the station, sell my cargo and data

Take off.

Arm the self destruct.

Explode to the rebuy screen.

Instead of buying a replacement Keelback with all the trimmings at my current location (Amundsen Dock, Lagoon Sector, iirc), opt for the Free Sidewinder, waaaaay way back over in Trevithick Dock, LHS 3447 - which was one of the new starter systems before the current permit Locked Pilot Federation Newbie Zone.

5k ly travelled back to settled space in the blink of an eye o_O :ROFLMAO: :cool:

The ship I lost was about 7.5 million credits. But the data I sold was about 70 million credits, so I'm good with that ;)

Edit: Amundsen Terminal, Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10, according to EDDB.
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o.k. thanks! I had no idea about this! Interesting short cut. :)

You can make it even cheaper (and not lose your ship or any engineering) if you store your current ship and buy a stock sidewinder. Of course, you then still have the problem that your ship is there while you are here.
You can make it even cheaper (and not lose your ship or any engineering) if you store your current ship and buy a stock sidewinder. Of course, you then still have the problem that your ship is there while you are here.

Well, yeah, but the nearest shipyard from Amundsen Terminal (afaik) is a good 3k ly further out, at Rohini, or 5k ly back to the bubble.

It was still a good deal :cool:
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