Colonia On The Brink Of Plot Relevance

Low security does not seem to close material traders - a quick EDDB search for stations with both material trader and interstellar factor reveals 36 outside Colonia.

The population requirement for Sol bubble material traders (1M) probably does exclude most low security systems anyway, though, which may be why they're rare.

Certainly the Colonia material traders do not follow the placement rules of the Sol bubble - the system populations are too small and the system economies not the expected ones.

Whether that also gives them an exemption from being disabled under certain government types has never been more than a theoretical concern, of course.
Thanks for the correction, I was under the impression that low security closed the mat trader. Although this did lead me to the discovery of Babakin Hub in Erio- an anarchy controlled station with a material trader.

I agree however, it is entirely theoretical whether the same would happen in Colonia or what conditions are needed here. Either way, I'm not sure much would be gained by proving it, especially given the amount of work to make it happen.
Well the only thing i can think when i see this clip is....

That hobbit is peeing in his pants...
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