Coming Back after launch?

I bought the game before it came out. Played it for maybe 15 hours once it was out and then realised I didnt have time to play it. I now have a new PC, and a joystick setup and head tracker, and want to try it again...

How do I redownload and install it? I ahve no idea haha... (I didnt get it on Steam)

Actually this is the best part of the game. Enjoy it while it lasts, and don't spoil it by listening to Anaconda-in-1-day type of videos.
Can confirm, those first few weeks as a newbie CMDR are a fantastic experience, I reset earlier this year. These days it doesn't take long to get up to bigger ships, so it's important to pace yourself, otherwise you can find yourself in an Anaconda with no engineers to work on it. I'm up to around 3 billion in assets now, but only own one large pad ship, and keeping most of it liquid.

I'd definitely recommend working towards the engineers as guidelines to build an initial fleet of small and cheaper medium ships to fill the roles required. The Guardian ruins make a great first exploration trip to get some distance for the engineer unlocks, plus some of the basic Guardian modules, FSD booster, shield reinforcements, etc. This can be done in a Hauler quite easily, and makes for quite a different experience than a perfectly engineered Phantom or Anaconda.
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I'd definitely recommend working towards the engineers as guidelines to build an initial fleet of small and cheaper medium ships to fill the roles required. The Guardian ruins make a great first exploration trip to get some distance for the engineer unlocks, plus some of the basic Guardian modules, FSD booster, shield reinforcements, etc. This can be done in a Hauler quite easily, and makes for quite a different experience than a perfectly engineered Phantom or Anaconda.

I have no idea what that means? 8)
care to explain a bit as it sounds very interesting!

I have no idea what that means? 8)
care to explain a bit as it sounds very interesting!
A while back we discovered that there was a precursor race that fought the Thargoids, called Guardians. They've left a few ruins scattered about the galaxy, and naturally, research was conducted when the Thargoid war re-emerged to see if we could reverse engineer any of their tech to help. As a result of all that you can unlock new modules, weapons and fighters at Guardian Tech Brokers. To do so you must provide the necessary materials and commodities. To find those materials you need to go to the Guardian Ruins, and collect them, including solving some "puzzles". The nearest ones to human space are a few hundred lightyears outside of the bubble, so you'll need a ship with a fuel scoop, and an SRV to do all this, plus an energy weapon if you want the fighters. Point defences on the top of your ship will help with the enemies you'll meet there (thanks @Dragsham).

Here's a really handy guide to help you get to grips with the process:

If you use your discovery scanner on every system you go through to get there and back, and then hand in your data to Universal Cartographics at a station, you'll build up your Explorer rank, which is needed to unlock some engineers.

This is the basic ship I used for the first trip out there: Basic Hauler. There's two SRV's just in case you make a mistake. The first time will take quite a few jumps to get there, but once you're more experienced and have unlocked the FSD Booster module and some engineering you work towards something more like this: Modified Hauler. That'll get you out and back much quicker for future unlocks.

The various engineers all have different unlock requirements; smuggling, mining, trading, combat, etc. By building cheaper ships to experiment with those jobs to meet those unlock requirements you'll build up a good understanding of what's need for the job and what those trades are about before committing lots of credits, engineering materials and effort to building bigger ships.
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Thanks for the replies. I dug out my log in and have re-downloaded and installed. This weekend ill pull out the joystick etc and fire it up if I can....

Although starting from ground zero will be a bit painful....
The good news is that there have been a lot of changes since you first played so the fact you didn’t play for long means that you won’t have much to unlearn also it is much easier to get the credits to buy ships, modules etc than it was.
Maybe slightly deviating from @CMDR Daiyus 's suggestion, I'd say to unlock Felicity Farseer first (your first Engineer, you should have the knowledge of her already). You can shortcut that process a bit (ask, if you want to know - I'll try not to start with spoilers).
Reason for that is that Felicity can work on your FSD, which will make all those subsequent trips quite a bit easier.
And while the Hauler is a nice ship, I prefer the Dolphin for those trips :)

But whether you priorize the FSD engineer or the Guardian FSD booster (those two are independent from each other, and can be combined) - never fly to Felicity's base in open unless you want to deal with seal clubbers.
I fired her up for the first time and it had my commandcer plus some money, yay!
but the graphics looked a bit blocky / blurry and not the amazeballs i was expecting... any settings i should check?

Ill do some training missions to set up my controls and joystick etc...
Some graphics settings that I would check first in your position would be screen resolution, texture quality, and model quality.
but the graphics looked a bit blocky / blurry and not the amazeballs i was expecting... any settings i should check?
Better carry that specific issue ocer to the PC subforum, that's where the experts hang out (assuming you play on PC) - and please give a smany details for your setup as possible. I had a similar issue on my setup when I first fired up the big TV screen in addition to my PC screen, but after a few switches at least that seems to be sorted now.

In general, though - ED has become much hungrier for GPU power since Odyssey and at least one subsequent update.
I fired her up for the first time and it had my commandcer plus some money, yay!
but the graphics looked a bit blocky / blurry and not the amazeballs i was expecting... any settings i should check?

Ill do some training missions to set up my controls and joystick etc...
If you're playing Odyssey or Horizons instead of Legacy Horizons, then you will probably need to make some tweaks.

What CPU and GPU do you have? How much RAM? What's the resolution of your monitor?
Some graphics settings that I would check first in your position would be screen resolution, texture quality, and model quality.
Yesss! I doubled the resolution and its muuuuch better now.....
I saw a texture quality setting (high) but couldn t see a model quality one?
I have 1 million credits and also a hauler parked nearby.. might try some cargo runs while i gett he joystick set up etc....
I might also try and get my trackIR set up....... any tips for that?
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