Fiction Commander Boz's Book


I'm the artist formerly known as Boz. Apparently I'm going to write a book.
Join me here for discussion pertaining to that thing.

Chad Baxter
Hello Mobius,

Ah, those were the days, were they not? This forum rather lacks the free-for-all manicness of the Kickstarter comments, I miss it a bit.

Anyway, what gives? :)
Hi 'Chad',

Another KS refugee (and Boz backer) here.

One thing I like about this post-KS world is that the ED pledge amount is static (which of course means it isn't going down :))

I sincerely hope you're not more stressed that your KS succeeded than you were worrying about whether or not it would succeed ...
well you have arrived at the party a bit late, we have already had a few members disapear because they couldnt handle negative comments, we have threads being closed and merged, and we have all had a debate about a word that was used during kickstarter with half the people wanting the meme used in game while the other half thought it was just plain stupid to use a kickstarter word( I would have to agree with the people who think its stupid). since the excitment of a sucsessful kickstarter as died down and people have gone back to work, the forum has now settled down a bit.
Hello Fermat's Folly.
Hello Ashley.
Hello Mobius.

Thanks for backing, hope you're looking forward to the book. Stressed? Me? No way!
Thanks! And double thanks!
Really? I'm guessing that was 'Jonty'. I'm happy keeping it on Kickstarter. I'll bet Jonty ends up in there, somewhere.
Hey Boz,

I'm still watching, but resisting my natural impulse to respond to every post (just a lot of them;)). Hope the book is going well :)
On the Elite: Dangerous Wiki, we have a Fiction page. On there we have a link for "Commander Boz's Book" (linking back to this thread) but no information.

Once there is more information, please let us know.
Hey Hamerstein,

Thanks for checking in! The book is in a healthy place, just on ice at the moment while full-time job commitments take priority. Hope to be able to put in some writing hours very soon...

JazHaz - Thanks for adding my book. All the information I am willing to share with those who've not backed the project is in the public domain already, so the entry looks fine as it is :)
Hi Chad/Boz, I'm keeping track of all the Elite books I pledged for during the Kickstarter for Elite Dangerous. I'm missing one or two snippets of info on yours:

- Would you be so kind to let us know a (working) title for your book?
- What is your planned release date if other than March 2014? (Just for bookkeeping, I'm not going to hold it against you... yet... owh, and others might! :) )
- Do you have a personal hyperlink for the book (AKA a webpage) other than this forum?

Happy writing!
I appreciate that "work comes first" but you seem to have vanished.

- Emailed you via Kickstarter .. nothing
- You haven't posted in the forums for over a month

Are you ok ?
People are still putting comments on the kickstarter :)

Including Commander Boz on Feb 24th (

Hello everyone, sorry for having been AWOL. My last planned update was a slightly tongue-in-cheek piece of work which I think would go down like a Led Zeppelin right now, but I'll post it in the 'later' folder. I've not run away to Jersey with everyone's money, just been snowed under with things, but fear not, the Dude abides. By which, of course, I mean that Chad Lives! Still on course. Apology update soon! Boz
I am sure our erstwhile Commander is merely keeping a low profile. We did exchange some mail a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed issues back in RL were keeping him distracted.

There are some in-book content rewards I still have to claim, so I hope he doesn't leave it too long or I'll be up to my eyeballs with the writing of my own book and will have little imagination left to spare... ;)

With any luck the Lave Radio Posse will track him down before long. :D
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