#CommanderCreations - 4/6/2021

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
Greetings Commanders!

As we reach the end of another week, it's time to celebrate some more of the beautiful creations done by all the talented Commanders within the community! Remember, if you want to increase your chances of being featured here, make sure to tweet your creation with the hashtag #CommanderCreations! Let's get started:

Prisma Portrait By CMDR Vex


Not content with just posting amazing Elite Dangerous screenshots, CMDR Vex is now trying their hand with Prisma portraits! This one captures their Commander overlooking a sunset - a shot that's becoming synonymous with Odyssey in these early few weeks!

Courier Skin By CMDR Kristy Wing


CMDR Kristy Wing is always showing their passion for Elite Dangerous on Twitter with their 3D renders and skin ideas, and this one caught our eye this week! It certainly fits the Imperial style, and we can definitely imagine some Empire followers using this skin for the Courier!

Mobius Shirt By Silver_Saberius


Silver_Saberius is showing their allegiance to the Mobius PvE group with this self-designed t-shirt! You can always check out Mobius if you're looking to improve your PvE game, or hang out with friends whilst doing so! Just one thing: No PvP allowed!

Python Model By EkeWorks


EkeWorks has done a fantastic job with this Python model! Not only has the ship been replicated precisely, the paintwork is on point! Oh, and how can we forget to mention the RGB lighting within? They have used the lighting to highlight the thrusters, heat vents and spotlights throughout the hull. Amazing!

And that's a wrap on this week's #CommanderCreations! Thank you all for continuing to surprise and impress us - and if you want to take part, you can upload your creation in this thread, or on Twitter using the hashtag!

Until next time, o7 Commanders.
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