Buildings & Attractions Corporate Financial Operations Center

These are a few things you can do with this building.

1. Allows you to sell more specific genetically modified dinos to third parties for more money than just your off the cuff sale.
2. Would display a world map similiar to the expedition center showing cities with third party affiliates.
3. Allows you to buy fossils from affiliates when you deplete a dig site.
4. Can serve as a Financial aid loaning facility.
More details to be listed later.
A few more things you can do with this building:

5. Sell digsite items like artifacts.
6. Offer up items as collateral if you can't pay a debt.

A couple more things about this:

7. You can make Franchise licensing deals with companies. How this would work, A franchise owner pays you a lump sum of anywhere from $2,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000 to build a guest facility like a bowling alley, arcade, store,resturaunt etc. They name it and you can't edit that. They continue to pay principal royalties until the contract expires. If you demolish this building you lose the down payment they paid to start up.

However you can extend the contract as many times as you want or until the franchise owner pulls out.
These are a few things you can do with this building.

1. Allows you to sell more specific genetically modified dinos to third parties for more money than just your off the cuff sale.
2. Would display a world map similiar to the expedition center showing cities with third party affiliates.
3. Allows you to buy fossils from affiliates when you deplete a dig site.
4. Can serve as a Financial aid loaning facility.
More details to be listed later.

A few more things you can do with this building:

5. Sell digsite items like artifacts.
6. Offer up items as collateral if you can't pay a debt.

A couple more things about this:

7. You can make Franchise licensing deals with companies. How this would work, A franchise owner pays you a lump sum of anywhere from $2,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000 to build a guest facility like a bowling alley, arcade, store,resturaunt etc. They name it and you can't edit that. They continue to pay principal royalties until the contract expires. If you demolish this building you lose the down payment they paid to start up.

However you can extend the contract as many times as you want or until the franchise owner pulls out.
First off, why would you sell something as expensive, special, and extremely rare as a dinosaur to a company who probably will start "Fallen Kingdom" AND the sequel?

Second off, wouldn't adding alternative digsites remove the challenge of expeditions?

Third off, I bet players almost never go into negative cash, not counting the start of the Isla Tacaño campaign. Either way, this would remove even more Challenge from the game even though that specific feature is kinda useful.

Lastly, as far as I know, you cannot exceed $1,000,000,000. I'm not saying it can't be changed or anything like that, but why would franchises pay you $2,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000 to build a building that doesn't even costs higher than $2,000,000?

So, it's one big NO for me🙂
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