General Gameplay Could we please have the option to use gyro controls?

I have been playing a lot of games that uses gyro controls lately, my favorite is breath of the wild as it made shooting while moving a whole lot more streamlined.

It then made me wonder why JWE does not have gyro controls? It occurred during the many times I tried to shoot the smaller dinosaurs with ACU team and the companies with the ranger vehicle as I had to tap the analogue stick sometimes for precise aiming. It is possible with analogue control, but I do wonder if the game could have gyro controls integrated to the main game, so we could have some fun forms of adjustment such as:

• Most importantly, an option shooting from rangers and ACU teams.
• The ability to move the camera around for photography with our hands.
• Panning the dinosaur camera around like the creature is in front of us.
• Moving the ranger vehicle with the analogue and looking around with gyro controls when in third and first person mode.
• Observing galleries, platforms, hotels, monorails, and tours with gyro controls.
• Subtly moving the UI in the expedition / fossil / and research.
• Possibly, a more unique method of controlling the gyrosphere (its in the name).
• Other camera based options if it could work with gyro controls.

I do hope if this is possible as all platforms that run JWE has the capability to use gyro controls. Thank you for reading!
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