Could we talk about the dinosaurs phasing through each other?

One thing I am concerned about, but also understand, are dinosaurs phasing through each other a lot.

If you were to play the game, occasionally you would see dinosaurs moving through each other. This is really weird as they give off a very hollow husk of what they really are. A common topic is how immersion is a key aspect in video games. And if we will be looking at these dinosaurs (and I do love looking at these dinosaurs 🦕 🦖 ), it shatters my immersion when a parasaurolophus would phase through a dreadnoughtus, like knife to butter, and I just have to say "oh yeah, this is a video game". To me, that kind of harms my experience with the game, and maybe to others as well, so I think we should at least talk about this.

On one hand, it makes sense to have this in game, as it allows for easier pathing for the dinosaurs to reach their destination. A struthi would not starve to death if the feeder it wants to go to is barricaded by herd of triceratops.

But then it just gets downright silly. Dinosaurs that would socialize with each other would merge together as one. Sometimes you would see a spinosaurus or indominus rex peep through a fully concrete wall. A hatchery would have a dinosaur walk through the newly hatched dinosaur. And dinosaurs that would walk together would merge with each other or phase through others. It is just getting a bit silly.

I was wondering as the game treats them like solid beings otherwise: such as a ranger team not being able to drive through one, but rather, could easily get trampled by a stampede of dinosaurs. This feels real! So is there a way to get dinosaurs to have a way to repel each other? Like if a parasaur was to walk to a feeder, and another parasaur is sleeping in front of it, it would walk around it.

I understand why this may be the case, we may end up with parks that are full of dead dinosaurs. But is that not part of the management fun of the game? To make the dinosaur exhibits work beyond the bars of trees and grass limits? So if I have a heard of 20 struthis but any 2 more would result in death by starvation, I would very much need to rework the exhibit to make it work as they may get too crowded. And just because I could have 30 gallimimus in a tight enclosure, does not necessarily mean I should?

But what do you guys think? I believe I may have blabbled on a bit too much. :p I would like to know how this notion affects your gameplay experience. :)
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