CSD since the new patch

Has anyone picked up classified scan databanks since the new patch went live? I've tried tourist beacons and convoy beacons in outbreak systems for about 2 hours now and haven't picked up a single one.

I'm about to start base running to see if that works. In the mean time has anybody picked any up? I'm worried it's like the new exquisite focus crystals, I just want to confirm CSD's are in the game.

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NEVERMIND!!! No sooner did I hit send, the next ship I scanned coughed up 3 classified scan databanks.

I usually have the same bad luck with cracked industrial firmware. I'll blast my way into several settlements and get a huge bounty in order to scan the data point, then get everything BUT cracked industrial firmware.
Thanks for the replies! A solid hour or so after posting I eventually got all I needed. I am now at grade 5 with ram tah and have a grade 4 lightweight heat sink launcher.

I have to say I am LOVING engineers without commodity requirements. It's a revelation to feel like I'm actually making progress!
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You still have to get nickel for pulse lasers - that is a commodity, is'nt it?

I just maxed out broo tarquin last night, no commodities required. True, you still need to have gathered crafting materials, but I've had a healthy stock of those for quite awhile. Commodities (in this case) are materials you'd can only receive as a mission reward (or purchase from certain places) and store in your ship's cargo hold; they're temporarily suspended from blueprints at the moment. Nickel (and similar materials) you store in a seperate inventory and can hold up to 1000 regardless of your ship configuration.

Basically I've been making any higher level upgrades I have the materials for and pinning the G5 blueprints I actually want. I plan on going on a massive mat hunt once I have max rep with all the engineers and knocking out all my upgrades in 1 fell swoop.
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I am quite frustrated by now, I am at Wyrd trying to find NICKEL and ZINC to improve pulse lasers. I cannot seem to find any description on finding this, and currently I am driving aimingless around in my SRV to find stuff I have no idea if even is on the planet! I do like Elite, but by now I am sick and tired of the "figure it out yourself" concept there is in the game, and think I will have to take a break from the game. Before doing that, anyone who can describe a fast, easy non-complex way of finding ZINC and Nickel in this game? I do NOT like mining, have done it, finds tons of stuff I do not need, I am in a SRV currently, which I do not find very funny either...

Yes, I can hear it myself, it is time to take a break from the game. But if anyone has a hint, please let me know.
I am quite frustrated by now, I am at Wyrd trying to find NICKEL and ZINC to improve pulse lasers. I cannot seem to find any description on finding this, and currently I am driving aimingless around in my SRV to find stuff I have no idea if even is on the planet! I do like Elite, but by now I am sick and tired of the "figure it out yourself" concept there is in the game, and think I will have to take a break from the game. Before doing that, anyone who can describe a fast, easy non-complex way of finding ZINC and Nickel in this game? I do NOT like mining, have done it, finds tons of stuff I do not need, I am in a SRV currently, which I do not find very funny either...

Yes, I can hear it myself, it is time to take a break from the game. But if anyone has a hint, please let me know.

I'm sorry! Had I known your frustration level I wouldn't have been so flippant about the ease of all this. I can do my best to help though! I'm not sure what you have or haven't tried yet so I'll just do a step by step of my process and hopefully something in there would help for you.

First is planet selection. This is aided heavily by the system map. When you have your cursor over a planet in an already searched system (like wyrd), you can see the materials available from the second tab. I'm not sure how to get there on PC (I play on xbox) for me, I tap RB while I have the cursor over the planet I'm researching. There's a whole bunch of info on that tab but at the bottom is the available materials and the percentages in which it can be found (you have to scroll down, some of the lower percentages mats get cut off). I used to go for carbon, phosphorus, sulpher, and iron heavy planets, if all else fails, you can use like 200+ level 1 upgrades to reach level 5 and most engineers have upgrades requiring those 4 mats (I got through like 5 engineers this way before commodities were suspended).

I usually try to pick smooth worlds with low gravity. If you find yourself in an area with no contacts on the wave scanner it's pretty easy to just get a head start and hit the thrusters to travel by air to a better location. I suppose you could also log and reload to refresh.

Now as for the wave scanner. I hear its a little broken at the moment and I can see some truth to that. I was able to adapt and use it though so it's not impossible. You want to look for contacts that appear in the lower half of the scanner ring. As in, some contacts show marks only on the upper half (toward the windshield) and others show up on the bottom half (toward the radar display). You want to focus only on lines that appear to take the half of closer to your radar (I hope this makes sense).

The only other thing I do that may help you is smoke a bowl before all this. Coming from someone who hates supercruise, I actually find stoned material gathering to be relaxing. Either way I understand your frustration and hope that helps.
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