I myself am quite the reptile lover, and would definently enjoy my lads a tad bit more in a custom vivarium. Having the animals roam around in a larger, custom built vivarium, would be absolutely awesome! If the team wants to avoid putting extra animations in, as this would perhaps be quite tricky, we could have branches and rocks which the animals would interact with instead of just being on the ground.
The idea of a reptile/vivarium house would definently be more complete with custom vivariums, and it would make some of us who already had a reptile house planned, able to make that house!
I do totally understand if this would be a too difficult thing to make for the team
The idea of a reptile/vivarium house would definently be more complete with custom vivariums, and it would make some of us who already had a reptile house planned, able to make that house!
I do totally understand if this would be a too difficult thing to make for the team