CV1 Settings

I just tried my new CV1 again today. There's so much jitter that it's making me seasick before even launching. Something must be wrong. I have a very nice PC with i7 and GTX1080. there's nothing on this PC except ED and CV1. The only settings I've done are with Dr Kaii's profiler, which he gave me. Are they correct? Are there other settings somewhere else that make it better?

I'm really disappointed in this setup. I put all my money into it (£2500) and I wouldn't want to continue with it as it is. Please help me.

I think you need to describe what you mean by jitter? Does it happen all the time?

Have you tried it on low graphics profile? Tried other apps? (to establish whether it's tracking-related or specific to ED)

Download the Oculus SDK, extract the Debug tool, set visible HUD to Performance and keep an eye on the FPS and overhead. You can select different options under Performance HUD->Mode. (alternatively: Ctrl-F and just peek at the frame counter on the 2nd window every now and then).
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Basically, all the white lines are flashing. I don't know how else to describe it.

I don't have any other apps other than the Oculus demo stuff that look fine.
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Could you hit Ctrl + F (to turn on the framerate display) and hit Ctrl + NumPad 1 (to turn off Oculus ASW) and then look at the number in the bottom left corner of the ED window on the monitor and let us know what it is (with your setup and those settings it should basically be a green 90).

Edit: those ED Profiler settings look fine, a little conservative if anything (I've got a 1080/CV1 setup too by the way).
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Frame rate is showing as a steady 90 in the station. I figured out that the flashing is just the pixels on the horizontal lines flashing as I move, but there's so many of them. Alt + (num pad 1) didn't do anything AFAICS.

I guess I was expecting too much. Many people said how great the CV1 is. AFAIKS, the 3D is good, but the image stinks. I can't even recognise what ships I'm supposed to be shooting when they're right in front of me (except the big ships).

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Could be atw. Is the image as a whole good but the HUD lines, orbital lines wobbly at times?
I appreciate your effort, but unfortunately I'm not a FMR. Could you please explain.
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OK, I have to say, as MAIN SEQUENCE has surmised, what you're seeing is probably the shimmering caused by aliasing (especially since it's horizontal lines). When I first tried an Oculus at Lavecon last year I must admit I was instantly struck and pretty horified by that.

It might not be much consolation but you do get used it (and yes, you're right, the general resolution is low).

There are things you can do to improve it. Try increasing that HMD Quality setting (maybe 1.5 or 1.75). If your framerate suffers too much you could turn off (ironically) the anti-aliasing, it doesn't work that well anyway. Also turn off ambient oclusion and maybe Bloom and lower the resolution of the desktop window (unless you're taking screenshots or making videos). Also try turning down the gamma a bit.

My settings are here if it's any help ..

.. except I now have Super Sampling at 1.0, HMD quality at 1.25 and shadow quality at high.

Frame rate is showing as a steady 90 in the station. I figured out that the flashing is just the pixels on the horizontal lines flashing as I move, but there's so many of them. Alt + (num pad 1) didn't do anything AFAICS.

I guess I was expecting too much. Many people said how great the CV1 is. AFAIKS, the 3D is good, but the image stinks. I can't even recognise what ships I'm supposed to be shooting when they're right in front of me (except the big ships).

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I appreciate your effort, but unfortunately I'm not a FMR.
Download the Oculus SDK, extract the Debug tool, set visible HUD to Performance and keep an eye on the FPS and overhead. You can select different options under Performance HUD->Mode. (alternatively: Ctrl-F and just peek at the frame counter on the 2nd window every now and then).

I've got that going now. it shows latency around 23mS, headroom about 33%, frame rate steady 90 (in the station) and just the occasional frames being dropped - maybe one every 20 secs.
OK, I have to say, as MAIN SEQUENCE has surmised, what you're seeing is probably the shimmering caused by aliasing (especially since it's horizontal lines). When I first tried an Oculus at Lavecon last year I must admit I was instantly struck and pretty horified by that.

It might not be much consolation but you do get used it (and yes, you're right, the general resolution is low).

There are things you can do to improve it. Try increasing that HMD Quality setting (maybe 1.5 or 1.75). If your framerate suffers too much you could turn off (ironically) the anti-aliasing, it doesn't work that well anyway. Also turn off ambient oclusion and maybe Bloom and lower the resolution of the desktop window (unless you're taking screenshots or making videos). Also try turning down the gamma a bit.

My settings are here if it's any help ..

.. except I now have Super Sampling at 1.0, HMD quality at 1.25 and shadow quality at high.

I've changed my settings to what you suggested, which has made it much more pleasant to look at. The flashing was a bit too bright previously. Now it's not so noticeable. Thanks a lot for your help and to the others who replied.
Isn't MSAA an AMD AA scheme? I'd try FXAA or SMAA - I forget which works better with the Rift.

If you are getting 90FPS in stations, then you can probably up your HMD quality to 1.5 for a better image. Personally, I can withstand a lower FPS in the station and RES - just not in an SRV.
THe pixel density adjustment in the debug tool is a must.
I don't play without it!
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